Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Remove A Golf Tail Light

From Moshi to Zanzibar

Finding accommodation in Stone Town in the peak season does not belong to the best ideas
last four days we had very industrious, and quickly went to the bus to Moshi to Dar er Salaam and later ferry to Zanzibar, where he desperately sought a night for another 2 tygdnie (first two nights booked even in Moshi). The word desperate is not exaggerated - we had no idea what number of people hit on the island.

from Moshi and Arusha you can get over to Zanzibar, at least three ways: by air (but then you miss the arrival to the island by ferry and the excitement of the first expectations of scratches), Dar Express bus, which leaves at 6.30 and runs like crazy, which forms at the same time a nearby tree, or a miracle happens on the last ferry to Dar at 16.00. The third option is another bus, who should depart at 7 but we take the undergroung zawyczaj later and equally crazy ride, though fewer of them among the trees and the nearby villages but they do not happen on the last ferry and then as an additional attraction is the biggest night in the Metropolitan Tanzania Dar er Salam. Not the totality deliberately chose the third option, well, the more she chose zasazie us. Dar Express bus were wrong with Kilimanjaro Express. Very often it is chosen by the local people mainly because of the rather attractive price (at the top of the Christmas 25 thousand TSH which means around $ 16). We could, therefore, 9 h to observe the local people but also middle-class charms endure the heat without air conditioning.

Outside pictures changed drastically, the village honors to speak at once smaller and poorer every time. Grew at the same feelings of frustration and sadness poloczone, wyzrutami conscience. At some point I began to zastaniawc why such trips, what they see and what to bring (hmm, rather are)? and repetitive in my head asked why?. Why place a relatively rich resources and a developed tourism still struggling with basic problems of ensuring the relative level of existence for its citizens. The problem of course as we know it is complex and often discussed at meetings in air-conditioned halls of the G8, which does not know how to deal with this for so many years. Although we all know how much I try to _ Exactly! Reminded me once Nelson, who as probably most of the Tanzanians would immigrate from the country or at least order in Tanzania were followed immediately change. The problem is that too few are willing to rozwiaywania these problems internally. Ksztalcoych among young people is fairly low level of attachment to the country (what else and why) and if someone just go on to study in the back no longer even worse if it ends in the country is takzeemigruje and usually does not come back! If it builds a wild and rather ocicna villas away from the rest. (It probably reduces and generalization). Another problem is the low awareness of tax and significant losses on such matters, corruption (you know, we know it) and what kind of business they do here both whites running my own hotel and travel agency and the one inch zwiazny of humanitarian aid. But it is nothing for now, with the rest of what I am another "white" and so does not save Africa - I can only read a few books on similar subject both local and foreign writers. Of course, as you can guess this is more Western. Gathered six best titles on the beach, all dealing with Africa.


bus from Moshi As I said late, and we do not - which means it has not removed our breakfast. At the end of the road I started to dream about what I eat and even though we had no accommodation in Dar, of nothing else I could think. Vegetarian hamburger with fries and green salad with vinaigrette dressing! Bosssze how much I had to feel like it:)

overnight specjlanie not worried, and quite rightly left the nervous system intact.
were traveling in a bus jeszzce couple British, who just the day before booked accommodation in a big enough budget, and the hotel. Simply we took with them a place waiting for us. :).
The hotel was not so bad especially as a fairly reasonable price of 38 thousand Tanzanian conditions of TSH. By the way I wonder how they gopspodaruja with money from tourism. Damn expensive and in such a poor country, yet we were not jeszzce (though Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, after the foundation of the Union's growing much better)

In Dar er Salaam remember only pub Chef's Prize hehe oczywsicie zajebistego I ate there, vegetarian burger, fries dripping ketchup and salad with vinaigrette. Wojtus contented himself with a spicy Spaghetti A rabiatta. Hastily returned to the room to finish strongly advertised but even quite okay Crime MILennium. The action that pulls that wiagnelam 650 pages in 3 days, similar to earlier Wojtek.

before a ticket for the ferry became the queue, Bosz what was happening there, elbowing, sales of tickets left, a left true. Heat, chaos and bustle as the New York Stock Exchange. We did it!, The ferry came across in August we almost immediately, although a further 45 minutes in a huge queue stalimy completely confluence then.

Action Milennium wcignela me so that almost overlooked arrival at Zanzibar. But one can not be missed, turquoise water, My favorite as a halo surrounds the island. Incredible! n paszpotowa port clearance and visas, checking immunization. Bosz! Kilimanjaro international airport was really intimate!

No. iiwreszczie Zanzibar, a beautiful, atmospheric with small narrow streets and thousands of tourists. In our hotel, it turned out that as in other dziesitce there is no place for the night sylwestorwa. Spanikowalismy Damn little, I approached it methodically, printed from the Internet a list of all hotels and began to ring. After 10 refusals and the Fully booked, managed to Warere Guest House for $ 40 which means a fairly basic standard as for those conditions, housed in a category lower budget! Mielsmy male concerns and as it turned out later, quite unnecessarily:). The hotel is quite stylish, someone had put a lot of work to him once; old African furniture, all very tastefully furnished and tastefully enough that much neglected. We spent

generally in Zanzibar, the city already 4 days - cramp here is what to do. Tarab music local concerts, lots of climatic restaurants, cafes. African movie screenings (screening today from 19 th to the first night). Night Market with delicious food (fish of the morning catching, bananas, baked on a savory, delicious cassava). There was only able to find a local star big format bembniarki Pan-Tarab which I really like to listen to BI KIDUDE! , Though it now resides on the island and was seen on the streets. I
yesterday wyczytlaismy On the menu, in the pub Mercury - Zanzibar is also the birthplace of Frediego Mercury.

Zanzibar is Muslim and it's on the speakers at certain times and seen by some women, just showin mysterious black eyes from closing tight. Many women, however, is dressed tanzanek secular. Therefore, there is no struggle, the atmosphere and no one is watching more crooked rozebranemu body. Today

zroblismy interesting expedition to platancje spices, cramping like a little kid again, absorbed all the knowledge. Nutmeg is hidden in a pit similar to our OCU brzoskiwini, cardamom, grows on a bush on the ground, Cinnamon is very little on average-looking tree as our Lubaszka (but odewana bark is so intense smell like gingerbread much cinnamon). Carnations, wanilija, and pepper, which is only one type and three colors, which we know depend on spsobu repairs .... pona dto kakako, closed in a large, oblong fruit, and coffee Robusta, increasingly on the big bush ... vacuum and a delicious lunch, a delicious choc niezykle (including rice with cinnamon, cloves and pepper)

And starting tomorrow at the end of the holiday - LABA On the beach! Finding the hotel is also a longer history. :)
will consist of two beaches ... and I will tell later ...

JESZZCE \u200b\u200bONCE Happy New Year! YOU TO SUCCESSFULLY who are born are born:) my Agatka jeszzce Zawadka
and the rest in order to successfully reported!
namely Anna and Arthur, and Martusia!
a others in order to have gone in the end of this pregnant:)

Asi son grew in order to cool the peasant!,

and Peter to finally come back fat years:)
but without unnecessary calories (he already knows what I mean)

and Mum and Dad Not a lot of peace of mind:)
and big kisses and thanks for the birthday wishes on who has replied ....

pictures #


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