Friday, December 31, 2010

Charles Chips In California?

31 which is the first New Year's Eve, they

never change my mind about Kapuściński. After reading his books, seeing the photographs, one chance meeting. I will respect him in his memory. Do not change the story of Arthur Domosławski.
However, I must apologize to the author. After two hundred pages cursed, but now I thank him for that, I was concerned to read it.
My list of questions and observations is long, but it's nothing wrong. Still irritates me a kind of naivete Domosławski. Omission annoys quite journalistic photography in my life. End. Reading is just a pretext for writing today.

a few hours I will lay me down to sleep. I'm not going to drink himself into a stupor, watch fireworks and listen to cheap pop music on television. However, before you will fall after a few deep, I have to deal with - as usual - each other.
It was a bad year. Unnecessary events, false winding, mirage. The worst part was and is that instead of peace, attained the status of a completely unnecessary, silly point. Bothers people, I'm looking for where the ring could lead to a good, creative skirmish of words, images. I beat the others when they deserve no more than the flick. The reason? Diagnosis is too complex, but I feel that this is not further uciągnę. Tired horse. Old horse, for which has already asked the butcher.
amuses me play in order, especially the New Year. Provide - can promise to wipe shoes and throw away rubbish, and here is more problematic. As an old horse to realize a state of affairs that is the only colt in the memories, words, photographs.
read tonight phrase (dust, plugged in the old photo fiche)

You are scum, you're my fantasy.

This Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov. In the picture my father. The date and place: K, 1988 . I was 17 years old.
Today, bitter night in search of thought that this quote refers not to him but to me. In the morning I passed. Why? Because I do not want me to have to pull the past. I must have a reasonable idea of \u200b\u200bthe day, then.
humility and pride. These are not slogans. I still lack humility, and bursting with pride. As you know entirely unwarranted.
In humility, so I wish you to be honest proud of his life. If until now has been a problem with it, let it change 2,011 years.
The Happy New Year!


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