Wednesday, January 12, 2011

South Beach Frozen Foods

War Princess

hear crackles and subsequent wrangling between the U.S. and China. Just now they have heard. Further provocations and demonstrations of strength. This is not a dangerous step-but I see now inevitable (as I am firmly convinced) events.
for a simplification of the situation and explain what I mean-just-energy resources will inevitably end. At least become less available. On the supply side not much (certainly not enough) can do-so something must be done on the demand side. As described by the Polish Jacek Kobus example, do not believe in a sensible voluntary solution and anything-so runs typically human competition for scarce resources.
In the old, dark times are a scarce resource such as a princess. On the supply side does not get much change, and frequented the high demand. So, of course, sometimes there have to a situation in which the princess sadly a bit lacking. In most cultural days, such problems were solved by the tournaments but no-joke-cultural times in human history, are rare. Usually the most effective method is to eliminate competition. Of course, such attempts are extremely risky, and taken usually only in the face of imminent disaster. (And even before her consciousness.) Sometimes such activities are risky, of course, may end up picking up a disaster for them. But as the princess is missing, it is difficult-you need a chance. The removal of competition significantly increases the chance to get a princess.
And what does all this have to the U.S. and China? And no. Today, as in the 30's, in the role of princess is oil. As it is no longer possible to find new, time to start to eliminate competition. And these are the foundations of the current US-China conflict. For now, he is a typical phase ruffled in the hope that the opponent has subsided. But I can not give way. The Chinese may not release their development (which is currently based not on exports, and it seems that the armaments), and the U.S. may not officially admit that the end of the current lifestyle. Confrontation must occur. Of course, the weaker may be the same-but rather one that the system persists. No one he did not admit that it is not suited for combat for the hand of a princess. Period.
seems to have already formed units, the arms race is already in progress at best. So prepare for confrontation in full swing. And why do I think the problem is far away? - Because something is known about these armaments. If confrontation is clear, obvious and necessary-it's nothing we will not hear about it. And then it will be time to start to wonder if we are definitely in the right place in the world.
If anything, of course, the social enthusiasm, even if not required-is always useful, so probably one of the first acts would be a conflict of China with Japan. Why is the Chinese-because they really did not forget about the nineteenth-century treatises, and account for the subsequent contemporary powers. The British gave Hong Kong and the island on the Ussuri Russians. Still did not settle with the U.S. and Japan-France, and may (though there have helped finish them at Dien Bien Phu.) Of course, their side is North Korea, Pakistan and probably Iran-so after the second will include India, South Korea, of course, the USA, Japan, Iraq and perhaps Taiwan.
confrontation goes on thick. Disturbingly looks just the fact that if a confrontation occurs later rather than sooner-to individual European countries will find themselves in different camps-and this is not funny.


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