Monday, December 27, 2010

Prayers For The Faithful Examples

festively Greetings to all! Yesterday we came back with Safari,
admits that after several years without the usual, traditional world I missed a little for the smell of fresh Christmas tree, the cabbage switeczna, dumplings with mushrooms, beetroot soup, salad and delicious Christmas kutia ... (I missed not only not a clue as carp ... blee)
why all wish true feelings longing for Christmas I :)

back to last thread!

Choice agency on safari a few hours , hard work in heat!
Wojtek laughs August , with to our holiday prepares August whole year , resting peacefully in his office :)
Indeed can all book earlier the inter net or look on the site. For me the biggest part of the fun and such a trip is just to organize everything on the site. You are talking with local people, after a while I begin to feel perfectly ucziwy who is and who is trying to stretch you, wtapaisz August in the local climate? and by the way this is a pretty good exercise for developing creativity and intuition.
Local people stop us receded as a dark-skinned bunch of bastards who are trying to just pull on white tourists, which I hate. You meet nice people who.

We have selected a local company - A company run by two brothers from a few years dosiwadczeniem. Joined the two Szwedek, medical students, who arrived here in the practice for 4 weeks with two weeks which had two weeks of free and will work in hospitals. Such exchanges are very popular and during the further down the road we met another student of medicine from various parts of the world.

Park Tarangiri

first day safari started from a visit to the Park Tarangiri. After tens of minutes of driving on roads wyszuszonych savannah we found the first group of animals. It was noon, the sun wypalalo lands and our skin so finding zweirzat was not so easy, than it is not a zoo where it is enough traffic to the proper sector, and there we find interesting species. During the next minute we met dozens of ostriches, including one with head in the sand, African wild, two beautiful giraffes, elephants family and various species of birds.

I did not expect to see live wild animals in their natural habitat makes feeling so big happiness and fulfillment. I've just discovered that people are not the only species that needs to be Zemia August, and the animals live in a natural way outside the zoo. Because sensations are not known yet because I felt the excitement of a child who just discovered its a new piece of the universe.

Most animals have already met on the way back to Kempu. Appeared and vanished after osbu sides of the road. Once giraffes, zebras for the moment, in the distance you could see elephants. Animals encountered by the road enjoyed the most. :)

Camping was an oasis of greenery and countless bird singers. Everyone chanted in a different rhythm, which the imposition of BC in August gave the impression of a dozen different bird host the concert.
After zatymwarunki were very basic, rooms with beds and mosquito nets and bathroom only, or with cold water or a hot (nothing between). You could also choose a tent. For those who spend chceli pow / $ 300 per day per person waited conditions for a much more luxurious:)

In Kempi also met a small group of Poles. Not often you can meet them here, although the conversation with the local "artists" we learned that they have a few Polish friends. Quite a few "artists" were able to replace the three Polish cities: Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow, also knew a few words in Polish, such as "Good Price". ;), Thank the, JAKSIMASZ? JAKTWOIIMIE, MAMSIEDOBRZY.
First day at Kempi it was Christmas Eve so I came over us,! Arek had a colleague at the wafer, which you shared some and sang carols:) .. Later rozsiedlismy at the tables of piwemi dinner, at which the Swedes, Australians and Poles were talking about what meals are served with them on the tables, when they spend all the gifts and why we prefer to spend this time in exotic locations than the abundant tables of Christmas;)

It was fun, wszysscy were aged 25-36, wszsycy from different continents and such similar perceptions of the world. Differences are blurring between the people who live thousands of kilometers away from each other, the world of soccer is shrinking, and all can meet on facebook.

second day we visited Ngorongoro.
and the famous caldera (by the way I imagined a completely different crater).
In ngorongoro saw all these animals that we had promised, cats, hyenas, rhinos, buffalo, hippos, etc. ..

dinner and the next day we decided to explore the local villages.
given up on visiting the Maasai village for several reasons (and I went on the occasion of Exercise curiosity mastering). Firstly, it's terribly commercial venture Secondly, they live by. rules of very drastic - especially strict for women. Still obrzezaja women clitoris and you can buy a wife like potatoes in the market (no matter how many years and is the guy how many wives already has) a few goats from 5 - ....

visited a local tribe Czaga, who lives by. the whole is not better rules, but it was very interesting walk. The poorest residents, or zazwyczai immigrants, who do not have your own plot (which the Governments native mieszancom Nyerenyere were given away for free, the peasant would get as much land as far cast stone) were huts made of clay or cow dung with the roof covered with banana leaves. You have to admit, is a very ecological system of life!. May wealthier houses of red brick, which exposes a very, not putting on her plaster.


experienced a local custom and freshly skosztowalismy upedzonego banana beer. It looked horribly unsightly in a large, plastic cup each of us had a sip sip lyk, passing later drink the next person in line. Beer leaven bread tasted pomiedzu a poorly refined leaven of Zurek. Mniami:)

Well safari is over, tired children slept in a Land Rover on the way back home - that is, to Moshi, in reading in the meantime Murakami. Wonderfully swinging the perfect time and conditions of the spinning golden threads of thought.

road at ZANZIBAR

Now it is already true relaxation on the island, the sun, platancje spices and turquoise. So idyylla and paradise .. Can someone tell the kitsch but it is how nice:)

Today we managed to book a very brave ticket for a bus to the Tanzanian capital Dar er Salaam on the ferry there, just yet, and already on the island. Bus leaves 9 h very narrow roads, unfortunately Tanzania and not acting in turn: (, can not you can take the train and totally relax comfortably, listening to the rhythmic tum tum, tum tum, tum tum ....

I can not mention about the fruit: December and January is the time of Mango and Awakado, Bosz grow them here on the road, fall to the ground. Bake avocado pieces you can buy for 1000 TSH (1,400 TSH = $ 1).
the way we met several species of bananas, about whom we had no idea; GREEN - cooking with soup (by the way very good, better than potatoes) and RED - sweet, juicy, better than yellow. We were also on the banana plantations - growing a tree every 7-12 months and comes only once a branch of bananas for which amount is from 70 - 100 and end later, no longer suitable for anything. But multiply very, very hard, like wildebeest and krolki;)

some of our photos!


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