Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nordic Ware Octopus Cake Pan

Karb Moshi, Tanzania caribou!

We got to Moshi as planned on Monday, arriving directly to Kilimanjaro International Airport. At the airport, surprised us with an exceptionally relaxed rules for the handling of passengers, ie they allowed us into the country virtually without any control. Visa was held in August in absentia!

to Moshi we arrived just one purpose - to find a good and fair offer trekking on Kilimanjaro.
next day after their arrival in the morning we took a look for the office. Moshi is a small town but still look good offices of the organizing trekking imagine it as a challenge.
town very similar to the Indian small town, a way of life humans, the concentration of small-business on the streets, chaotic traffic, bustle and sweat pouring down streams. At times it is so hot, the mean clump together, creating a sticky mass. Such a climate is, however, something very addictive like a drug. After each journey, no matter how intense it was, after some time, would leave next August.

come back to look for trekking agencies - it's like in India there are many providers and Helpers, who are artists, and by the way will take you to the proper travel agency, which offers the best in town trekinigi, baa in the country (Moshi to starting point rzeczywsicie glowny on Kili). In this way, we passed the first day the whole city and getting to know them on the occasion of quite a dobrze.Po first day we had a feeling that jesetsmy further from the selection of agencies and starting the trek closer than dokononania transaction. Helpers dragged us through 10 offices, prices differed by a good 2 -3 thousand ships, although our confidence also decreased with each successive visited. On the first day totally exhausted heat and all who chieli sell us something, finally appeared in the city with fresh meat Get callused feet we went to dinner and a well-deserved sleep. BOX, BOX! (Slowly, slowly) on the dinner waited a good 1.5 hours, and zamowilsmy spaghetti:)

little about Moshi!

maisteczko male at the foot of Kilimanjaro, and one of the richest in Tanaznii, because they live from tourism.
Prices hotels and food are very affordable prices while trekking and Safari, Cultural Tours are staggering.
main ingredient prices is a constant charge, which Parks and charging rent jeeps and petrol, and the distance to a crawl are very duuuze. In this context, the city lives mainly from tourism is everyone dreams of working in a first one of these offices and later at the foundation of your own. Everyone!.
Unfortunately, too, and this town is not free from the typical problems such as corruption and praise to earn a black without paying taxes. ! But people are pleasant, open-minded, busy. musically in the BOX, box!. At the beginning of an incredibly rash or irritation!. BOX is more than in India, but after several days of cramping begins in the atmosphere and slowly started to blend We descend from the European tension and the local artists we have already ceased to be razcke lead to their shops.
Good advice, even knowing a few words Swuahili can gain a quiet chat without usilnego selling local share.

(as I already


Finally we managed to trek the next day, when he fell off our emotions suddenly knew where to go and which agencies wybracn (AHSANTE TOUR and recommend - good food and cool, always un) . We have selected the agencies, who most cares about porters and formally cooperates with the agency, which supports them. Porterzy unfortunately porters who make things up to the last camp at 4600 m. The price was well and we got przystepna and with a group of 10 people (including 6 Porter) is good until you come to paying tips, which are basically standard;).

We chose 7-day Machame Route trek - the road has a total of nearly 70 km, and can I do with 6 or even 5 days. The first two days to the amount of 3500 is really nice, fairy, ancient forests with ferns and dozens of exotic trees (even if we did not ask the name of Nelson's all).
On the way we talked with Nelson (our guide) about everything, beginning with the still-functioning division of the tribe, the policy of the European economic situation and the actual behavior of Tanzania.
Nelson likes to Europeans and especially Germans and British, impressed by his European heritage. Tradition tribal in his eyes is worth nothing!

More than 4 thousand meters of the first problems started to!. Wojtek she reached altitude sickness and have already started to be a decent cold. ! So then we decided to add a day (the seventh) for acclimatization.


More than 4 thousand in the night temperatures were below zero - sleeping in tents at times was unbearable! rescued us from the hot water bottle - a great deal!

all the days I felt great, what altitude sickness!, Nelson called me SIMBA (which means Lion) hmmm.


we left the summit at 23.00 from the last camp at an altitude of 4600, we had to overcome the 1230 meters
to sleep in our tents, we have made in August at 18.00 but it was hard for us to fall asleep.
We were walking very slowly, over about 5300 started to sicken me so bad, with every successive meters up the feeling intensified!. For the first point of view was scarcely Stella Point, pausing every 25 m in vomiting reflex. At the peak of 100 m above already almost do not remember! Glow of the rising sun, reflecting the rays from the monumental glacier intensified feelings of happiness and Passion accomplishing goals. Last 100 m, mud 30 min. stomach and entered the heart, which in turn embraced a unique view. !

Yesterday we went down to the ground! what an amazing feeling after seven days without water or electricity!

already tomorrow in Safari .. (Look for the agency that supports Safari is a different story), keep your fingers crossed because this time we chose the less known and more financial operator!


(photos show you in a few days)


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