Friday, December 31, 2010

Charles Chips In California?

31 which is the first New Year's Eve, they

never change my mind about Kapuściński. After reading his books, seeing the photographs, one chance meeting. I will respect him in his memory. Do not change the story of Arthur Domosławski.
However, I must apologize to the author. After two hundred pages cursed, but now I thank him for that, I was concerned to read it.
My list of questions and observations is long, but it's nothing wrong. Still irritates me a kind of naivete Domosławski. Omission annoys quite journalistic photography in my life. End. Reading is just a pretext for writing today.

a few hours I will lay me down to sleep. I'm not going to drink himself into a stupor, watch fireworks and listen to cheap pop music on television. However, before you will fall after a few deep, I have to deal with - as usual - each other.
It was a bad year. Unnecessary events, false winding, mirage. The worst part was and is that instead of peace, attained the status of a completely unnecessary, silly point. Bothers people, I'm looking for where the ring could lead to a good, creative skirmish of words, images. I beat the others when they deserve no more than the flick. The reason? Diagnosis is too complex, but I feel that this is not further uciągnę. Tired horse. Old horse, for which has already asked the butcher.
amuses me play in order, especially the New Year. Provide - can promise to wipe shoes and throw away rubbish, and here is more problematic. As an old horse to realize a state of affairs that is the only colt in the memories, words, photographs.
read tonight phrase (dust, plugged in the old photo fiche)

You are scum, you're my fantasy.

This Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov. In the picture my father. The date and place: K, 1988 . I was 17 years old.
Today, bitter night in search of thought that this quote refers not to him but to me. In the morning I passed. Why? Because I do not want me to have to pull the past. I must have a reasonable idea of \u200b\u200bthe day, then.
humility and pride. These are not slogans. I still lack humility, and bursting with pride. As you know entirely unwarranted.
In humility, so I wish you to be honest proud of his life. If until now has been a problem with it, let it change 2,011 years.
The Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Make Dirtatv Jump

Betrayal is a male domain. Honor to be a bad thing. It's so heroic, strong. There is something to give to the poster.
But I will not analyze the man. It will answer why pick a woman. Also in friendship, and especially in art. The writing and photography.
fan of guys do not know. Idols of the poster of books, CDs, from images. The others? Vanity of vanities. In life, as a "friend" I defined five. Today there are none.
Wine? My. Throughout his life, looking for "substitute father", thus chose older friends. It had to scatter.
Wine? Them. We were friends, because I was polite to the boss and I have in the portfolio.
Wine? Mine and his. I have a nasty character, and it seemed to him that the friendship you can buy.
love of one guy. My Son. For him and for him alive. For myself? Thanks to him.
like - I like - old men. Laceration hazard approach to life from a distance. It should listen to them, it is worth to emulate. So when I meet with my former father, I try to draw plans for the future. Fantasize - I would be such a father.
When I'm depressed, I contemplate suicide. Mostly they were men. They had the courage - I scream, looking at myself in the mirror.
When you come back to me desire and strength, I admire the keeper from a local nursery, who every morning snow removal, sweeping, bustle about. I can see him through the window. Nothing about him I do not know.
Of men not worth too much to know.

Cures For Mild Ptosis In Baby

-Uruguay second passport

After some philosophizing break, we return to momentarily stop the cycle. Few countries have been interesting-but as a gift Christmas and New Year's description of Uruguay.

As a pure second citizenship "general purpose" first place in the world ranking (my own subjective authorship), one step ahead of Panama. Peaceful stable country, quite wealthy and moderately corrupt (as in Am. Ł). What is very important-one of the most open to immigrants of jurisdiction in the world. And it is not in any way "gray zone" such as Paraguay, a country widely regarded as civilized. Not
is thus virtually no risk of bigger problems when you use this passport. What is also important-for over 150 years this country was not involved in any war, it has no territorial claims, and nobody does not claim rights to their territory. A little place in the world where you can say it. So, with probability close to certainty we can say that it is a passport-neutral country, even in cases of conflict worldwide. Moreover, for many years, Uruguay has been called the "Switzerland of South America." Maybe a bit exaggerated-but the neutrality and banking secrecy were similar. What is interesting-much of the Argentines will hold the money in Uruguayan banks (it is difficult to see why). Anyway, Montevideo is located 3 hours by hydrofoil from Buenos Aires and Colonia del Sacramento
even closer as a country
Prospects look very good. It is hard to pick holes in the entire investment-although this is no longer very attractive place-just a good and stable, but there is just expensive (though of course not like in Europe - only in comparison to eg Argentina).
In terms of population-are still huge reserves. Land area of \u200b\u200babout half of Polish population 3.5 million people. The climate is true-in the absence of major mountain chains in the area is not very predictable and winter frosts are equally likely, and temperatures around 20 degrees (although in Poland so it is-just a little bit colder-but there may change from hour per hour. It is true that in theory is a significant drawback-as opposed to Panama and Paraguay, Uruguay recently, there is unlimited tax liability-but it's just a thing that you should not have to worry. Well-fuss no further. And the present and prospects are OK.
As for the possibility of obtaining a passport in the event- immigration, if you start work, acquire property, etc. 3 or 5 years and the matter resolved. And as usual in such cases is also the second-path "retirement." Of course, full of holes-as is usual in such cases. Generally, a retiree could be anyone. And it's actually so much about. In this version of citizenship gets a "stock" - which unfortunately Am.Ł. is quite a relative term-the procedure lasts for a year and a half.
But again there is no reason to complain-almost the whole world without visas and safe haven in a gift-even a little bit of diplomatic protection and the country-which does not associate with strange passports.
some expenditure on the need to prepare-but IMO the present time much better investment than a new car.
Paraguay goes far cheaper, but value for money here is unbeatable.
True, it still depends on a few things-but maybe in the spring I will at that area-so you can contact me on this.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Swollen Ankles Drinking Alcohol

My fascination with the women begin to take on characteristics of the disease. Well, I know - the disease of addiction.
Somewhere lost male urge that all land should be encountered in my bed. Maybe it's because I do not have brakes and you recognize them backfire her loneliness, rather than a simple desire.
captivate me, a woman young, mature, old.
Each take pictures (though not usually have a camera), with each talk, I'm looking for a trade at any beauty or ugliness. The sign can be the eyebrows, feet, nails, hands, mouth, ears, hair, chin, breasts, thighs ... The litany of beautiful collections.
Then spisuję TE marks. Hallmarks of my fascination. Hit the paper fantasies, writing unsent letters never, take pictures, I'm dreaming.
As a collector I assume every week another klaser their prey.
Everyday I go back to his addiction. Gram intuitively. Words often are too lame to give picture of "you encounter." Photos accidental and they are still not scheduled meeting. So I start to mention a dash imperfect lips, eyes, their costumes and moods. I draw and crushing. Card for the card. Woman woman. Abandoned, discarded, raped, lovable, lonely, sometimes happy.
No words spoken. Full head, full folder full of books.
When one of them suddenly calls me, I'm surprised and embarrassed by the lack of time Doin or fatigue on the road. Suggestively lies in self-defense.
When rings again and tender voice of my name, I begin to lose self-assurance. I get afraid that for this one I'll have to leave TE all.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Prayers For The Faithful Examples

festively Greetings to all! Yesterday we came back with Safari,
admits that after several years without the usual, traditional world I missed a little for the smell of fresh Christmas tree, the cabbage switeczna, dumplings with mushrooms, beetroot soup, salad and delicious Christmas kutia ... (I missed not only not a clue as carp ... blee)
why all wish true feelings longing for Christmas I :)

back to last thread!

Choice agency on safari a few hours , hard work in heat!
Wojtek laughs August , with to our holiday prepares August whole year , resting peacefully in his office :)
Indeed can all book earlier the inter net or look on the site. For me the biggest part of the fun and such a trip is just to organize everything on the site. You are talking with local people, after a while I begin to feel perfectly ucziwy who is and who is trying to stretch you, wtapaisz August in the local climate? and by the way this is a pretty good exercise for developing creativity and intuition.
Local people stop us receded as a dark-skinned bunch of bastards who are trying to just pull on white tourists, which I hate. You meet nice people who.

We have selected a local company - A company run by two brothers from a few years dosiwadczeniem. Joined the two Szwedek, medical students, who arrived here in the practice for 4 weeks with two weeks which had two weeks of free and will work in hospitals. Such exchanges are very popular and during the further down the road we met another student of medicine from various parts of the world.

Park Tarangiri

first day safari started from a visit to the Park Tarangiri. After tens of minutes of driving on roads wyszuszonych savannah we found the first group of animals. It was noon, the sun wypalalo lands and our skin so finding zweirzat was not so easy, than it is not a zoo where it is enough traffic to the proper sector, and there we find interesting species. During the next minute we met dozens of ostriches, including one with head in the sand, African wild, two beautiful giraffes, elephants family and various species of birds.

I did not expect to see live wild animals in their natural habitat makes feeling so big happiness and fulfillment. I've just discovered that people are not the only species that needs to be Zemia August, and the animals live in a natural way outside the zoo. Because sensations are not known yet because I felt the excitement of a child who just discovered its a new piece of the universe.

Most animals have already met on the way back to Kempu. Appeared and vanished after osbu sides of the road. Once giraffes, zebras for the moment, in the distance you could see elephants. Animals encountered by the road enjoyed the most. :)

Camping was an oasis of greenery and countless bird singers. Everyone chanted in a different rhythm, which the imposition of BC in August gave the impression of a dozen different bird host the concert.
After zatymwarunki were very basic, rooms with beds and mosquito nets and bathroom only, or with cold water or a hot (nothing between). You could also choose a tent. For those who spend chceli pow / $ 300 per day per person waited conditions for a much more luxurious:)

In Kempi also met a small group of Poles. Not often you can meet them here, although the conversation with the local "artists" we learned that they have a few Polish friends. Quite a few "artists" were able to replace the three Polish cities: Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow, also knew a few words in Polish, such as "Good Price". ;), Thank the, JAKSIMASZ? JAKTWOIIMIE, MAMSIEDOBRZY.
First day at Kempi it was Christmas Eve so I came over us,! Arek had a colleague at the wafer, which you shared some and sang carols:) .. Later rozsiedlismy at the tables of piwemi dinner, at which the Swedes, Australians and Poles were talking about what meals are served with them on the tables, when they spend all the gifts and why we prefer to spend this time in exotic locations than the abundant tables of Christmas;)

It was fun, wszysscy were aged 25-36, wszsycy from different continents and such similar perceptions of the world. Differences are blurring between the people who live thousands of kilometers away from each other, the world of soccer is shrinking, and all can meet on facebook.

second day we visited Ngorongoro.
and the famous caldera (by the way I imagined a completely different crater).
In ngorongoro saw all these animals that we had promised, cats, hyenas, rhinos, buffalo, hippos, etc. ..

dinner and the next day we decided to explore the local villages.
given up on visiting the Maasai village for several reasons (and I went on the occasion of Exercise curiosity mastering). Firstly, it's terribly commercial venture Secondly, they live by. rules of very drastic - especially strict for women. Still obrzezaja women clitoris and you can buy a wife like potatoes in the market (no matter how many years and is the guy how many wives already has) a few goats from 5 - ....

visited a local tribe Czaga, who lives by. the whole is not better rules, but it was very interesting walk. The poorest residents, or zazwyczai immigrants, who do not have your own plot (which the Governments native mieszancom Nyerenyere were given away for free, the peasant would get as much land as far cast stone) were huts made of clay or cow dung with the roof covered with banana leaves. You have to admit, is a very ecological system of life!. May wealthier houses of red brick, which exposes a very, not putting on her plaster.


experienced a local custom and freshly skosztowalismy upedzonego banana beer. It looked horribly unsightly in a large, plastic cup each of us had a sip sip lyk, passing later drink the next person in line. Beer leaven bread tasted pomiedzu a poorly refined leaven of Zurek. Mniami:)

Well safari is over, tired children slept in a Land Rover on the way back home - that is, to Moshi, in reading in the meantime Murakami. Wonderfully swinging the perfect time and conditions of the spinning golden threads of thought.

road at ZANZIBAR

Now it is already true relaxation on the island, the sun, platancje spices and turquoise. So idyylla and paradise .. Can someone tell the kitsch but it is how nice:)

Today we managed to book a very brave ticket for a bus to the Tanzanian capital Dar er Salaam on the ferry there, just yet, and already on the island. Bus leaves 9 h very narrow roads, unfortunately Tanzania and not acting in turn: (, can not you can take the train and totally relax comfortably, listening to the rhythmic tum tum, tum tum, tum tum ....

I can not mention about the fruit: December and January is the time of Mango and Awakado, Bosz grow them here on the road, fall to the ground. Bake avocado pieces you can buy for 1000 TSH (1,400 TSH = $ 1).
the way we met several species of bananas, about whom we had no idea; GREEN - cooking with soup (by the way very good, better than potatoes) and RED - sweet, juicy, better than yellow. We were also on the banana plantations - growing a tree every 7-12 months and comes only once a branch of bananas for which amount is from 70 - 100 and end later, no longer suitable for anything. But multiply very, very hard, like wildebeest and krolki;)

some of our photos!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Genital Warts On My Abdomen

One tree

chronic lack of cash. My readings are overdue and chronic. The list is longer than the desired forgotten women.
Simon (with a dedication for the star's dad) gave me Glowacki's "Good Night Dżerzi," his mom (with a note from the star of Courtesy) Domosławski "NON-FICTION Kapuscinski."
absorb and turn, turn around and bothering. I started with the works of journalist in 2010. I'm on page 215 and I'm sorry for the author. Just as he and his protagonist, emphasizing important sentences. Pencil going crazy with amazement.
surprised innocence, anger, bizarre infantilism. Surprising frailty of language and selection of events, events, injuries.
I was still three hundred pages. Judgement is therefore suspended. Already I Glowacki letters. Also in Polish, but after a random zaczytaniu, I know that it will only get better.
is better after the holidays. The new socks, a bottle of perfume and her head clean from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cold Sore How To Hide


you and myself:
Mute. Understanding. Find. Recovery. Glare. Fulfillment.

Red Blotch On My Tongue

Well, the title of a certain point, something quite exceptional about me (Ha, not just animals, and even a machete on Christmas Eve say aloud.) Well, the crisis just hit me very hard-so I was just customer structure. Let's say that I lost some 80% of the income-profits even more. Lack of savings. Other sources of income in the family too. That is to say the situation is not the best. Of course, our first instinct was to do what far-only more and better. Then I remembered that actually the same thing he said or did the horse in "Animal Farm". Something had to be changed-and changed everything. It is amazing how much you can reduce the cost of living, in fact, increasing its level. Of course, somewhere along the way revenues increased slightly-though far from previous ones. But I spend far less, and my quality of life has increased immeasurably. What's more-so that I can just give up jobs that do not offer anything but dull job and a few digits behind. So just do mostly what just makes me happy.
przydługawym And after this first-of course I do not wish such a shock to anyone whose been a victim myself. But looking at the effects-it was one of the best things that in my life happened between. And such a change in approach I wish everyone-it gives you happiness and pleasure in life. I do not have physical problems and I suspect that I spend a lot less life than the average citizen of our country-living obviously nicer. I also wish that the issue-not necessarily less, but the skills for sure.
And more generally-to remember that happiness is easy to find in us and it has absolutely nothing to do with money.
I wish you all remember too, that work is not some mad treadmill, which must torment and kill and can be a pleasure - although sometimes necessary, therefore, to give up some gold.
remember that the price just soaked shoes, you can experience the adventure much better and more interesting than two weeks in Mexico in a five-star hotel.
also wish all the pleasure that comes from helping others, and even this to anyone in need of us ducked.
And it would be enough. Let us live happily, enjoying every day and do not put up for the next crisis hit. Unfortunately, they will-but-damn it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nordic Ware Octopus Cake Pan

Karb Moshi, Tanzania caribou!

We got to Moshi as planned on Monday, arriving directly to Kilimanjaro International Airport. At the airport, surprised us with an exceptionally relaxed rules for the handling of passengers, ie they allowed us into the country virtually without any control. Visa was held in August in absentia!

to Moshi we arrived just one purpose - to find a good and fair offer trekking on Kilimanjaro.
next day after their arrival in the morning we took a look for the office. Moshi is a small town but still look good offices of the organizing trekking imagine it as a challenge.
town very similar to the Indian small town, a way of life humans, the concentration of small-business on the streets, chaotic traffic, bustle and sweat pouring down streams. At times it is so hot, the mean clump together, creating a sticky mass. Such a climate is, however, something very addictive like a drug. After each journey, no matter how intense it was, after some time, would leave next August.

come back to look for trekking agencies - it's like in India there are many providers and Helpers, who are artists, and by the way will take you to the proper travel agency, which offers the best in town trekinigi, baa in the country (Moshi to starting point rzeczywsicie glowny on Kili). In this way, we passed the first day the whole city and getting to know them on the occasion of quite a dobrze.Po first day we had a feeling that jesetsmy further from the selection of agencies and starting the trek closer than dokononania transaction. Helpers dragged us through 10 offices, prices differed by a good 2 -3 thousand ships, although our confidence also decreased with each successive visited. On the first day totally exhausted heat and all who chieli sell us something, finally appeared in the city with fresh meat Get callused feet we went to dinner and a well-deserved sleep. BOX, BOX! (Slowly, slowly) on the dinner waited a good 1.5 hours, and zamowilsmy spaghetti:)

little about Moshi!

maisteczko male at the foot of Kilimanjaro, and one of the richest in Tanaznii, because they live from tourism.
Prices hotels and food are very affordable prices while trekking and Safari, Cultural Tours are staggering.
main ingredient prices is a constant charge, which Parks and charging rent jeeps and petrol, and the distance to a crawl are very duuuze. In this context, the city lives mainly from tourism is everyone dreams of working in a first one of these offices and later at the foundation of your own. Everyone!.
Unfortunately, too, and this town is not free from the typical problems such as corruption and praise to earn a black without paying taxes. ! But people are pleasant, open-minded, busy. musically in the BOX, box!. At the beginning of an incredibly rash or irritation!. BOX is more than in India, but after several days of cramping begins in the atmosphere and slowly started to blend We descend from the European tension and the local artists we have already ceased to be razcke lead to their shops.
Good advice, even knowing a few words Swuahili can gain a quiet chat without usilnego selling local share.

(as I already


Finally we managed to trek the next day, when he fell off our emotions suddenly knew where to go and which agencies wybracn (AHSANTE TOUR and recommend - good food and cool, always un) . We have selected the agencies, who most cares about porters and formally cooperates with the agency, which supports them. Porterzy unfortunately porters who make things up to the last camp at 4600 m. The price was well and we got przystepna and with a group of 10 people (including 6 Porter) is good until you come to paying tips, which are basically standard;).

We chose 7-day Machame Route trek - the road has a total of nearly 70 km, and can I do with 6 or even 5 days. The first two days to the amount of 3500 is really nice, fairy, ancient forests with ferns and dozens of exotic trees (even if we did not ask the name of Nelson's all).
On the way we talked with Nelson (our guide) about everything, beginning with the still-functioning division of the tribe, the policy of the European economic situation and the actual behavior of Tanzania.
Nelson likes to Europeans and especially Germans and British, impressed by his European heritage. Tradition tribal in his eyes is worth nothing!

More than 4 thousand meters of the first problems started to!. Wojtek she reached altitude sickness and have already started to be a decent cold. ! So then we decided to add a day (the seventh) for acclimatization.


More than 4 thousand in the night temperatures were below zero - sleeping in tents at times was unbearable! rescued us from the hot water bottle - a great deal!

all the days I felt great, what altitude sickness!, Nelson called me SIMBA (which means Lion) hmmm.


we left the summit at 23.00 from the last camp at an altitude of 4600, we had to overcome the 1230 meters
to sleep in our tents, we have made in August at 18.00 but it was hard for us to fall asleep.
We were walking very slowly, over about 5300 started to sicken me so bad, with every successive meters up the feeling intensified!. For the first point of view was scarcely Stella Point, pausing every 25 m in vomiting reflex. At the peak of 100 m above already almost do not remember! Glow of the rising sun, reflecting the rays from the monumental glacier intensified feelings of happiness and Passion accomplishing goals. Last 100 m, mud 30 min. stomach and entered the heart, which in turn embraced a unique view. !

Yesterday we went down to the ground! what an amazing feeling after seven days without water or electricity!

already tomorrow in Safari .. (Look for the agency that supports Safari is a different story), keep your fingers crossed because this time we chose the less known and more financial operator!


(photos show you in a few days)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Much Do Flowers Cost

Wishes Happy New Year!

year to have an end-another interesting. So in the futurology throw some of my predictions for the next. It will be even more interesting.

Well-first: The crisis is officially over. It is true that only officially-but growth will be increasingly higher. In the statistics. I do not know exactly how they look government relations with the Central Statistics Office, but it sure will be very close. Perhaps the way you will need to change the president-or maybe not.
Anyway, not to say that growth will not be- will be, but nominal. For it will change the way of calculating inflation. What most likely will be done very quietly-perhaps only a change in weight of individual components of a particular basket of GUS.
course, it will later in the next year, a rise on the WSE-collapse after a rather obvious soon.

After the apparent-time for the second:
Premier starts like "dopalaczowej" fight for public morality. This will probably struggle with pornography, or something similar. In the event of I do not see the obvious as well as shops dopalaczami-but carefully observing the reality I see exactly the same problem. Like drug dealers had financial problems recently, so now they reach the industry hmm .. "Sexual services". It seems that a solution would be for example the licensing of online dating sites (although I'm not sure if there is just enough to direct link). Something should be done, but knowing the level of imagination and intellect of our administration-be that simply no one will get the idea how to deliver on election promises.

again a truism-trimming the entire state budget possible, but without any catastrophe. Just a gradual and more or less compensated for lowering the quality of all services provided by the state.

probably late next year a huge claim in budżetówce wage increases are caused by a gradual decline in living standards caused by the state budget "unofficial" inflation. The with "economic growth" will increase-but of course, uneven in different groups. Probably, as usual, get the teachers and the police will not get.

If the current winter has dragged all the negative effects are multiplied in the economy. If a harsh winter will last until February-March, attack of the road infrastructure and energy will be visible everywhere. Even one such, and it certainly will be a fun time in the "social market economy"

And that's enough. Do you see the optimism here? I think so. You can always plug the identified trends. The most important thing is to see and understand. And this can not be done in pink glasses-
Here may also be board-if it has reasonable financial reserves, steel nerves and eggs that you can think about buying real estate (but only on loan for cash-it is completely pointless.) I expect to for a long period of negative real interest rates (although the spring / summer can begin to grow and will for a long time just up the road). Of course, I am not an investment adviser, is not a recommendation-only my personal opinion, which of course should be critically considered.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Install Battery On A Pop Up Camper


asshole complexes in the sauce!
collector wounds!
Please do not shout, please.
Bus Line 64 runs every twelve minutes.
things to meddle dung?
someone asked you about your mind?
the snout?
advise calm, please.
probably fell asleep, just open. Besides
around the corner is another liquor.
shut up!
not look at me!
take some ashes!
can simply turn off the TV?
can change the channel.
ruined my life!
Damn why did I met?
I want a divorce!

Get on the bus line 64, buy a pint and watch tvn24 clean.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cervix Erosion Nitrate

naive faith

frustrated confidence often leads to aggression. Simply in the world-the feeling of being betrayed may be so strong that some people deal with it alone can not cope. And I do not mean here only the feelings between people, but above all a sense of being betrayed by the ideals in which he believed. This ideal is such a belief in caring state (otherwise Faith of this kind unless it is a serious violation of the commandment-I-but what the church is tolerant). In the case of faith, not every attempt to act as a Job-a significant proportion of people simply respond with aggression. And the more disappointed with the belief that aggression is often more and more madly addressed. Disappointed with the belief that society 'provide me with a decent life', because I finished college, because I have children and need, because I worked so many years and I am entitled to a pension-is extremely dangerous. Not for the same illusions that person-it is simply dangerous, because above a certain threshold leads to the breakdown of society. Frustrated and acts of aggression are, of course, people in every community-but if their number exceeds a certain level of saturation (sufficient for the fact that they can be found in the crowd and choose the groups that work together), the situation becomes dangerous.

I think, just such a mechanism worked in Argentina after the collapse. Objectively, this is a country much richer than the Polish-a level of current life-may be comparable only with that amendment, that the Argentine government is not a debt (because he had no borrowing), and Polish doing it in a mad pace. So much more than the state of living, standard of living we have close to the local. With one important difference-crime-and almost savagery in Argentina. And it is-in my opinion were of a betrayed faith. Faith in a rich and stable Latin country whose government can now ensure the implementation of the Western world. Hardness and suddenness of a collision with the realities of the profession makes a sudden (love?:)) And the fury of a sense of betrayal and deceive. Rage-often causes aggression directed madly. For his ambitions wasted somebody after "must" pay. "They" I was cheated, "they" are guilty. Half of poverty if the frustration level will cause the outbreak of the rebellion antyrządowego-peaceful means such as "Solidarity". Much worse if they become frustrated criminals. Often completely zdziczałymi.
And can it be otherwise? -Maybe you see a slow decline and loss of life alone on the margin is much better for society as a whole. This same margin in the end society is sufficiently small (but probably noticeable), that inside it does not rise so easily group of cooperating fully with each other degenerates. Be that as it would sound brutally-average life span is much shorter fringes of society, and a number of people full of bitterness and anger at the world-and yet still full of strength, energy and faith in affiliating them success and prosperity, can absorb without danger that the group it becomes too big and break the threshold of which I write.

again look at the Argentina-and I wonder whether the disintegration of society, to a large extent is there a place by just a letdown for the good life is possible to reverse? Or else-or people broken in their faith can still come back? Probably not, unfortunately. Must pass probably a whole generation-which simply the sense of betrayal will be deprived. If it would require some increase in prosperity, and even decisive action of the state (or spontaneously as a substitute for the public), it can be an optimist. And just in Argentina, there are three trends.

But going forward-for the functioning of society in the long run much better is the slow development of the crisis (even severe) than the sudden collapse of the credit-boom gives you time to adjust and some brutally, saying the "disposal" units, which in excess will destroy society. Therefore, the current level of borrowing countries is now a deadly threat-and not for the state (to feed the government), and for the society in which the parasite.

And the best part is, of course, not succumbing to the idolatrous illusions. But illusions are a common part of the world.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Installing Battery Pop Up Camper

Preparations for departure - Wojtek depression due to lack of space in a backpack!

On Monday at 3 am we head by bus to Laim, then the S-Bahn to the airport, Amsterdam and 21.50 and then Kilimanjaro Airport to Moshi in Tanzania. ;

Africa are going to come on the current situation at home is more like the climate in the capital have a nice Wietmanu Saigon!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Birthday Phrases 18yrs Ago

Hyperinflation of

As we know from the history of paper money, inflation is inevitable here. In a sense, we operate a paper in the regime of law-in contrast to the unwritten law-operating successfully for most of human history (including the usual interpretation of the written codes.)
inflation also gradually progressing money-losing each of its functions - from tezauryzacyjnej and measure of value-ranging collapse in the final phase operates only as a quick replacement.
In this case-actually ranks Inflation can be regarded as law-like first of these is the loss of function of the long-term stabilization of social relations. It seems that this step we are already far behind. No reasonable person should plan projects assuming the consistency of legal regulations concerning him in any field of life-that is, in a sense, is equivalent to the assumption of constant time value of money-a requirement necessary for long-term investments (or just a simple store of value). An interesting example of this is rolling over upside down most of the Family and Guardianship Code in recent years. Marriage as an economic community of today is quite different than a few years ago, the rules relating to children have changed dramatically-and apparently nobody was around, and people are guided by common sense. Unfortunately, then sometimes surprised after contact with the authorities or the judiciary-but the result of this contact is not understanding the rules, or adapt to them-but usually regret and a rebellion against the (often the obvious common sense) injustice. Legal changes worked in this case already against the law-precisely the same as mad uncoated printing works against to money.
But let us go further and question-when you print counterpart regulations will lead to hyperinflation? And how it might look like?
Probably the next step is the difficulty in determining exactly what rules apply and the difficulty-the impossibility of the border, to establish their relationship and the interpretation by professionals. At this stage we are. Here are some examples.

further consequence-quite-sense needs to be simply ignoring the order of the written law in its entirety. Right in the state of hyperinflation, of course, will be-until their replacement (with hyperinflation as money), but remain only as a justification for arbitrary use of coercive measures by the state. Although it would not sound grim-law which are not able to observe neither ordinary citizens nor even the pros, it will not function as a way of organizing society. Will simply be ignored. With the complete unpredictability of judgments no one in their right mind will risk the process-if the result will depend not on the court and common sense reasoning skills-Agents and the orientation of the recent changes regulations. A delegate who will be really familiar with the current legislation will have a rate clearly prohibitive for most potential customers. Any stories of the opening of the application, etc. will not make any sense - hard to prepare a reliable cost will be prohibitive - as much as would have wanted to ask-the Minister Ziobro-what do you say?

origins of this phenomenon can already see clearly.
course, the average police officer or it will not have a clue about their current competence (many already have) - and here the situation may develop in two ways-either behind the camera position and execution of constraint-which will bring the operation in Poland to the maxim, "Give me a man, a paragraph will be found" or not-and although it remains a bit of judicial review of the state apparatus - which in this case, she will act in complete isolation from society, and complete helplessness-exactly what you and wish you.

course, theoretically, may stop the Diet printers-but, well - I think it is so naive faith as belief in the paper to stop printing money.
Contrary, perhaps to popular belief, I believe the current legislative production and a trend about which I write for a very poor career prospects for lawyers. Just-above a critical moment, most camera justice will simply be ignored-together with the rulings of the civil courts, and simply representatives in these matters will not be needed. This will happen only when the sense of public awareness will visit the randomness and injustice of the judgments. It certainly at some point will be-although I really have no idea how much we are from that distant.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Populous The Beginning Tcp/ip

How to buy a U.S. passport aka Banana Republic States of America North?

The solution today, which I do not recommend, but showing how the modern world without pink glasses. Well, some time-quite officially, you can buy a U.S. citizen. We are approaching a bit longer to Emperor Caracalla-which gave the Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Roman Empire. Apparently americanum Empire had not yet reached that stage-but I will not really surprised, if you implement something similar. Of course, the edict of Caracalla had a tax base and this time is different. But the thing:
Since 1990, there is a visa category of the right of residence (green card), EB-5. But under the guise of a very solid, much has changed in the meantime. This program began in order to facilitate the functioning of major investors in the United States-then the reason of the limited popularity has been practically shelved-for now it seems the fiscal purposes only.
Although they are the real benefits of U.S. citizenship-that is real, slightly greater legal protection in some countries-consulate But the U.S. ability and willingness of usually much different from the Polish consulate. In some situations, the offense-unconscious in an exotic country can be an issue of prison or not (that is, in fact, sometimes life or death). In this regard it makes sense. But the second-fiscal side of the coin is to tax all income. U.S. citizen is obliged to pay income tax regardless of tax residence and place of income (of course, agreement on avoidance of double taxation that can remove or alleviate the defect)
How can you guess after this, the U.S. government in pursuit of profits gladly welcome foreigners, which can skroić-that is, quite logically, can obtain citizenship of the relatively wealthy people without any fuss (no-right).
Under current practice, and simply "invest" 500 thousand. or $ 1 million (depending on the unemployment in the location of the investment), but falls a bit to document the origin of the money (seriously-bit, and even a tiny Polish przekrętacz to deal with these requirements, he advised.) Rather, it functions as a fig leaf than a real firewall against "dirty money". Returning to investment-it has to create 10 jobs in FTE and such a state must be maintained for 2 years. Theoretically, the investment does not have any sense and nobody was interested-though of course a clause to circumvent the law works and how someone would want to use-you should not overdo it. Of course, after obtaining a green card, you need the time and still stay in the U.S. before obtaining citizenship-but that's not the things that is causing any problems-though of course in contrast to the rest of the candidates citizenship "lightly" is not a way to settle by correspondence. What's more-it is a very popular solution-there is a limit of 10 thousand visas a year and it is not used.
As above, I showed what I think about U.S. citizenship and so-in some specific cases it might be a good idea, but it is risky for the future-which in the coming years there will be very uncertain and weakening the state, controlling more and more of its citizens and armed the teeth is nowadays the biggest potential enemy units. Therefore, without denying the real protection from other governments-the U.S. has become increasingly possessive and dangerous-although it is hard to guess how the situation will change-perhaps one day take over the power of libertarian isolationists, and it will be again an oasis of freedom which is hard to get a passport and so will be as found.
While this is obviously a solution for the wealthy-a with $ 1 million is a lot bigger and better opportunities.
And anyway unless the U.S. came in earnest for the "elite" group of countries selling citizenship. Banana Republic States of America-ot, and so ...