Monday, February 28, 2011

Blogs Mediafire Adult


Have an idea?
But I have no money.
Another poet.

Seeking meaning
gave notice
section for home and garden
calling windykatorzy
antique collectors

in a brothel
left a business card
with a note on the back
call in the meantime

the milk bar
someone spat in the soup
wanted to turn the other cheek
someone was eighty years
I bought her dumplings

crowded bus
crowd rushed
stuck my hand
not to his pocket
found the body of an old man

got naked you
ukoiłaś me
one word

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Trade Pokemon On Pc Crystal

Actually, since the beginning of the modern era - that is, approximately a discovery of America - takes the continuous development of mankind, in particular the development of civilization of the white man. Of course, this is done with a few failures and interruptions, but you can quite easily defend the thesis that history past 500 years mankind is a history of growth of energy resources available to white man. First it was sugar imports from the New World and the mining of coal in England. Then the colonization of the Americas and the import of timber, and the food order from the Americas, Australia and New Zealand. Then came the oil and there has been a great flowering of civilization. There were also fertilizers and green revolution. People multiply more slowly than the available energy to mount and quality of life almost constantly grew. This game is over and now we play the new one.
When energy was becoming easier to access its production there was no business sense. It was a difficult business and barely profitable. An example of this is of course the fate of the Polish coal mining and agriculture. Moreover, through these 500 years agriculture has not been a source of safe and good income and a heavy business, which has always existed the possibility of failure. So despite appearances began to happen in the sixteenth century, medieval knights to give, which allowed no material worries of troops available to maintain the call feudal, transformed into a noble estates to the need the care and eternal debt. Nobleman had to take care of business, although the farm allowed the good life. Then it got worse. During the industrial revolution was the best idea is to consume cheaper and readily available energy. Agriculture at that time began to be associated with poverty, though not yet the earth was the determinant of wealth.

And this is the trend, as I foresee, begins to reverse. And actually already turned, but for now very noticeably. On the wave of a global bubble in property prices also increased agricultural land and this is the only market segment, where growth could have something to do with fundamentals.
Besides, can also be extrapolated into the future trends that we see today: the fall in the value of work 'urban' and increase the value of energy resources extracted, no matter what. Growing profitability of recycling garbage, planted forests as well as agricultural crops, and fossil energy coming in cheaper than the other way today, earning unbelievable. Simply - the rules of the game have changed.

There is also another side to this phenomenon, called for smoke crisis. Energy Processors brutal reality faced an increase in its cost (actually a value) and demand destruction. The industrial economy is shrinking slowly, which of course is most visible in her bloodstream or transport. Rates in freight traffic is now such that virtually all transportation companies that are already in debt, must fail. In any event, it certainly applies to those engaged solely in domestic traffic in Poland. Obviously, at some point will leave the possibility of traffic so that everyone will have a seizure and the rate of increase, but the carriers will leave. Together with the goods they carry.
quite obvious in the fall or the standard of living dwellers depend on the transport and industrial economy, at some point the prospect of living in rural areas, providing at least secure a minimum of interruption, be for the lower classes of the city very attractive. Of course, timing is uncertain, but I am pretty firmly convinced that the collapse of industrial civilization has already begun.
symptoms are obvious: It takes a gradual reduction in demand for industrial goods, transportation takes the fall, while prices all forms of energy reaching new records. All - that is, both used to transport oil, coal and gas in power generation, as well as the food necessary for the survival of humanity. And the food, remember, is also processed into fuel.
Subsequent developments is easy to predict: revolts of the urban population, ranging from areas where clean energy expenditure accounts for the largest part of household budgets. That means the total expenditure on food and heating, and heating to the extent necessary for physical survival. Well - in Poland, pure calorie-counting, heating is much greater expense than food, and probably in the transitional period will be less accessible luxury. Ultimately, it will be possible only in the amount of available solar energy for processing. When fossil fuels have already run out ... Again, there is a technological way out - after the solar cells allow for a much better use of solar energy than plants, but also in contrast to the plants require significant energy to produce. And it is necessary to incur expenditure before using them, and it also impossible to measure in a form without fossil fuels. Simply not known whether it is viable photovoltaic energy without consuming fossil fuels. Probably yes, and that gives hope to humanity, but really no one can be sure of that today.

Is there a reasonable way out of this situation? For humanity as a general - maybe. This is connected with the mastery of new energy sources and of course having the resources to implement them in order to replace the existing ones. It's not impossible, but in my opinion, unfortunately, unlikely. This would require the government thinking in the perspective of generations, which seems for at least the option of Western states is absolutely unrealistic.
remains so to think about themselves and their families, as it is much more natural than thinking about the community of the state. And here I prepare quite a large investment, which will allow me, I hope to survive quite nicely coming days, AIW future earning quite well.

In conclusion, let's think about how much energy we can produce, even if this would take the form of someone learning a language that will allow him to effectively use its own resources. Obviously, the more "concentrated energy" product we produce, the more profit can be expected.
A very concerned if someone has a reasonable capital - more detailed-mail.
Besides the occasion above post explains a bit weak activity on my blog in recent times ....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Did Kates Playground Do Hardcore


- Will you make tea?
- I do not know if I have. I drink coffee, water, vodka.
- and two teaspoons of sugar. And lemon.
- Mixed. Why do you come here?
- At tea. You can use me. Nawrzeszczeć and do a few frames.
- I ran out of visions from your participation.
- I had a dream, masowałeś my feet.
- So I started a business, and you skorzystałaś from the promotion. On the feet it end?
- Yes, because I'm here.
- I understand the complaint. Dissatisfied client wants a repeat, but now free.
- I can pay, if you like before.
- What? Come on!
- Oh! You have a mood.
- Oh! Ms. fell fun. Tea, feet in slippers and wish you a pleasant journey.
- Cham!
- For now I am gallant. When you do not receive phone calls. When I knock on the door I can hear singing in your orgasm. I got bored. Case dead died, died. Rotten.
- You're right, I'll pick another time. Today is not really.
- scenario did not work out?
- was supposed to be comedy, and a section of the tapeworm.
- To whom now visit? Only I was in the plan?
- In general, you were not in the plan. I saw that the light is burning. But you can already put out, no one here besides me did not score. This was a bitter tea.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Really Big Plastic Cup


Recent events in Egypt and around the least surprised the public opinion - but it was predictable. What's more: you can not predict exactly what the truth where it will be another explosion, but you can fairly easily estimate its probability.
known about who calls the revolution from the purely human.
here must be a combination of larger number of young men do not have any prospects for the future - they are always soldiers every revolution and every rebellion. It's just that they usually will not do anything.
are only explosive, giving energy and life to society, but looking quite harmless.
second component must be mature men who already have adequate life experience, and most importantly - family. They can behave responsibly-as they come to the conclusion that this may no longer be considered to be that it will not. Of course, not that I mean professional revolutionaries nor przeintelektualizowanych gryzipiórków, but simply ordinary people, not knowing and wondering why it is wrong but simply sentient, that is wrong. The objective is always the same-current power.
Each explosion was followed when mature, 30-40 year old men do not were able to maintain families, which leads us logically to the next element of the puzzle:
wives forties.
course you can argue that what they have to say women in the orthodox Muslim society? Perhaps not much in the public space, but nobody did not wmówi that, in view of two men they at least do not try to function together, talk together and keep children in common. Perhaps the Islamic culture of delaying the communication, but certainly (as a rule, of course), such communication exists. If
comes to the point where either by inflation or the usual increase in food prices is no longer a way to feed the family - it is the wife sooner or later bring their husbands to believe that this can not go. When I try to increase revenue are obviously doomed to failure, it begins to boil. When mature men no longer see hope for their families sink into apathy (which is subject to Agepo - because I predict the future of Polish), or become leaders in the twenties. And here comes the explosion,
which swept away the existing powers, unless it will protect the machine guns.
And now to the merits: the current rise in food prices is more sustainable. Even if a large part is due to escape from the dollar and so the food crisis is quite clearly in sight. More countries will erupt and that the situation will only become less stable. Because it's probably obvious - especially the change of power does not quell the crisis, it may temporarily, but in the long run it is impossible. A
risk factors are fairly obvious-the share of people in the 17-25 years population and the level of unemployment on the one hand, and the percentage of income spent by the average family on food. And of course im a country is increasingly dependent on world food market, the price increases are more difficult to avoid. You can reverse the phenomenon as an example given Argentina - the country, to put it mildly, self-sufficient żywnościowo. This country for the variety is definitely the wave of rising, which will continue for many years.
At this point, you have already drawn up a list of countries likely to be wrong and that should be avoided and those against whom there are still some perspective. Though, of course, are the foundations, you can talk about them in the long run, simply because they will. Once blow-but when and how, in the meantime, markets will behave? I totally do not know-but you can guess that starts from the countries in which the largest part of the average household budget is food.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Circle Red Spot On My Arm


on the edge of sleep
obrysowuję intentions of
greedily welcome
water body
erase the frown night
look forward to more delusion

with contempt recall
homage to the truth
change the
do it!
Pushed days
kpię the momentum of sleep
images embarrassment

open wide the window
lung extracts from the CD
recording welcome
wake up in the aggression of life
dream about sin

pleasant thought:
opportunity to be Hardy
bastard without depression and pessimism

change by cases
get lost in the fog
not expected
but take

Friday, February 11, 2011

Emerson Digital Camera, Binoculars, Drivers

distracted eyes
chapped lips
hair, knocked together with wind sculptures
lady is not suitable

purple tights twisted
wig does not relieve wrinkles
this lady is a lord

nose freckles
pink cheeks accidentally bangs
stroking voltage
girl crying mama

twisted chin
forehead bathed disgust
curls - where do these curls?
too many secrets here

voice disinfectant
eyes loyal
black braided into a bun feet
so, I dreamed you

Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter To Accept House Insurance Settlement

hair looking

laughed out of your hands
dipped in flour

in hair
seen sunken ship
kołysałaś to sleep shoes
ran barefoot

on pastry board
architecture body
laughed with pencil thumb
rysowałaś the eyes

dreamed a Mortgage soul
pledged at the usurer
how to buy a desperado?

kapały puddles
awkward Flour
and last conversation
the courtroom
confessional was closed
both departed

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nerf Gunparty Decoration

new entry on Agepo

As the title-link
Because temporary-though already seen some solutions give information about the entry

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Does Mt Mean On Motorcycle Tires

keg of gunpowder

I will start today from puzzle: what is this country?
consists of 6 parts with a fairly high degree of autonomy, with pretty large differences in the style of the economy and the level of its development, as well as with distinct cultural differences between the various parts. Further describing and numbering those parts, from the most populated beginning: the first is the capital along with some industry, mainly armaments besides, this is a region devoid of major natural resources and relatively poor outside the capital, but with a large military traditions. Staff officer in the army, traditionally derived from this region (although certainly not entirely).
The second region is a prosperous part of the country and a paradise for tourists, except that both agriculture and industry there is a higher level.
third region, strongly najzamożniejszy and practically speaking, a purely industrial - though attractive to tourists - is located at a distance from the capital and is clearly a distinct culture.
remaining three regions are poor, its economy based on agriculture and the prosperity of the good relations with the capital. It is a beautiful breakdown, does not cause conflicts until all get along well. But how things start to go a little wrong, regions 2 and 3 begin to have a claim to the capital. Of course, a symptom that goes bad is unemployment. In the present the country has already exceeded 20%. As young men exceeds 40% - and there is something in these area - we will have to deal with a barrel of gunpowder ..
By the way - the first two regions in their respective capitals are excellent, a European-class football teams, whose supporters are welcome, of course, can not stand. The team from the capital (and its supporters, too) is considered to be arrogant assholes associated with the regime, and the second for kupczyków without honor. The combination in time for a good brawl.

And now the solution:

Well above description matched exactly to two countries: Yugoslavia in 1990 and Spain in 2011. The first region is Castilla or Serbia, the second is Catalonia, or Croatia, Slovenia and the third is the Basque Country. Teams of course Real Madrid or Crvena Star Belgrade and FC Barcelona and Dinamo Zagreb.

course, today Spain is a country richer than the former Yugoslavia 20 years ago (at least seemingly so it seems), but the insolvency of the English government - quite sure, just do not know how close - it could fully and fairly quickly to change. It is true that today's Spaniards, for the most part, seem a bit hmm ... metroseksualni, which may change the picture of things. On the other hand, a percentage more inclined to fuss too will be found.

Anyway, I think that Spain is now a barrel of gunpowder, and has a realistic chance to fall apart like Yugoslavia. This will require a detonator, such as in Yugoslavia row at the game Crvena Zwezda-Dinamo in 1990

It remains to be seen, but that's another element of my decidedly negative Outlook for Europe in the long run.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Springfield Mo Formal Dress

We learn together.
Look at me. What do you see, son?
Dad, dear.
straining. Without poetry, and compliments.
But he sees the heart. Lost in adjectives, verbs juggle.
a substitute. It is harder for me. defeat love.
We cameras. This task is the same, the results vary.
cigarette smoke, barely see my face. What do you see? Dad in a cloud! I? I see a tree with a large crown.
Simon hides in the book. And I, what? You hide behind the literature, spryciarzu. I? You're a mystery, as the words.
Then we see the fish, owls, horizon, anger, joy. We see love.
Looking out the window Simon turns birds in fairy nymphs, and starships. I look at him, poking, to be gone. Now the world outside is just ours. Today has changed a hundred times.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Long Levoquin Take Effect Sinus Infection

Technical Problems Agepo

Due to problems of a purely technical side temporarily not working. But, of course, no problem-site work-with a small loss last text and the latest comments at a temporary address
situation is temporary-but of course it is not known how long it will last.