Saturday, March 19, 2011

Life Expectancy With Stage 4b Pancreatic Cancer


Separate from the political activities and those of Lech Walesa, he never hid that he is uneducated person, and indeed emphasized with pride that, with any elites never had anything in common. It was a matter of course-a man so hard stawiającemu case, even if it serves as the head of state, to make allegations of ignorance of complicated vocabulary or spelling. Just-admitted to it. Yes, it was expected that the self-styled tribune of popular and working-class leader of a revolution (at least looking at the official version in force) will make efforts to behave as befits the elite-but, well ... It may, however, the official version of a brilliant and charismatic leader of the rebellion was not really true, a genius is not enough to grow up to the role. Actually, it's already irrelevant.
Much more interesting is the character of the current President. Here I was somewhat annoyed and difficult situation-again, touches on current politics. Everyone, as far as we know, whom we created a, or has been created. A professional politician, holding the class and skills necessary for the exercise of the highest state functions.
With that image in a fairly sharp contrast stood his handwritten entry in the book of condolence at the Embassy of Japan .
Well-committing seven errors in spelling and punctuation 18-verbal sentence ....
One thing the association strongly suggests:

wonderful monologue Count Aurora Ponimirskiego from 6:16
"I do not know not only on economics, but even in spelling "

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sealy Indian Mattress Review

smell of marijuana on the streets

This is a fairly typical odor of California. The overall quality of the Drug użtkowania may be slightly lower than that of vodka in Poland, but you can are compared. As can be seen in Poland, drunken people in the streets, so here it smell burnt marijuana. And just as in Poland, any ideas on how to combat drunkenness are doomed to failure and ridicule-so is here with marijuana. Ronald Reagan's "war on drugs "here is simply not accepted, and even he was not especially sweet. Itself even suggests an analogy to zadekretowanej by Gorbachev to combat alcoholism in the Soviet Union.
Well-of course, federal regulations must be observed, so formal possession of marijuana is illegal, unless it has a "medical license". Practice for it looks like that you should just go to the doctor to say that sometimes hurt us back (or something similar) and choose after the state issued a permit for a really syboliczną fee. But even without that local authorities have absolutely no interest holders-though of course you can have a very pleasant contact with federal regulations. Another thing, first, that the federal state governments are not very like, and secondly the FBI or DEA have absolutely no technical capacity and staffing for the prosecution of ordinary smokers-no, unless that simply looking for an excuse for someone seated, but obviously the person who can found on the federal radar quickly choose a doctor complaining of back pain ... Besides
accordance with laws of the State of California, the mere possession of marijuana in amounts up to one ounce (which reportedly allows quite a few times to properly ujarać) since 2008, is a criminal offense, threatened a $ 100 fine (or accurately translating the Polish-mandate) and without the risk of entry into the criminal record. Officially. Unofficially, namely, no one has heard of any prosecution of anyone.
short-under the guise of compliance with federal law and the illegality of the drug is completely allowed and tolerated by authorities here. Although the reasoning is, moreover, the budget-namely, the exact status can not afford to completely unproductive use of time of persons working on the police, judges, prosecutors and prison guards in the savings-forgiven the prosecution of things harmful to society and other resources are invested in maintaining social order-what exactly were, on the occasion shows the difference between a civilized and well-managed country and bureaucratic chaos.
But of course there is the U.S. federal system in its structure even lower, and things are happening even more strange in view zamordyzmu accustomed to a centralized European.
We like this Mendocino_County in which the crop is completely legal-and even there is a fundamental branch of economics. So Americans are simply Practical-I is a pretty good prospect for the U.S.. Interestingly, my opinion, this is actually optimistic pespektywa for California, but not necessarily for the entire USA. I agree here with the prediction of col Słomskiego that the U.S. will crumble-but California would be better radzących Jed with the parts.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

David Beckham White Beenie Hat

emotions in the dream

grabbed the words
on the shore of Lake
became an ambulance were also
police, mourners, circus, wives, children and
priest was
let duck with beads

caught thought
stretched collar
her blouse buttoned
fell into my hands
I had the right
appeared notary
three soldiers, two dwarves and
gun was
buttons fit into the magazine

was turning curls
trimmed horses
sometimes hair
distributing wigs
and sought
scissors wrote poems
dramas, radio plays,
piece of good prose

it was already in the morning

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Much Does A Personal Trainer Cost At Ballys

Profession (without) the future-lawyer

Today seems to be an excellent profession-or at least giving the possibility of maintaining a stable and good, but it is not necessarily the future, which will allow the rest of their lives comfortably operate.
So-what is the present and the future of this profession?
Present does not look so bad-although in fact apparently worsens with the development of the crisis. Revenue still can be very good, probably in large cities in Poland, notaries are the best income in the area of \u200b\u200b200-300 thousand zł per month, and advisers and lawyers are not as many lower-but it is the elite. Most are well below this level and even the average is unlikely to deviate much from the average wage. So it is rather than the profitability of the business effectiveness of the profession-which is rather a myth. Notary Law Firm and far less attorney or a lawyer combined with the very significant fixed costs-which with decreasing amounts clients and their wealth will slowly sink weakest.
And at the same time there are at least three factors strongly deteriorating prospects for the future-the first and most important thing-is that what I wrote- hyperinflation law. What economic effect will be purely to discontinue using the services of lawyers and other persons whose major task is oriented in your system. Simply-if today in medium-sized companies need a lawyer, say at half-time, while the new rules fights accounting, health and safety specialist and director of production and the number dupogodzin potrzebnnych to continue increases and rising employment in accounting, you need lawyers, too. That everything will work-only to time. At one point, a reasonable trader finds it more profitable to pay appropriate penalties or bribes than utrzymyać whole crowd of workers only to comply with constantly changing regulations. And half of the accounting department and a lawyer come out. Of course this is only one factor.
are next. Even in the best of times, the market is not able to absorb the current production-law graduates, and not only the licensed lawyers. Of course, any part of it is still needed. Naturally-develops slowly, the American mannerism, habit of extorting compensation for anything, and attorneys fees are quite round. But it's all temporary. There is always another side to the coin-in the Polish legal your system comes fairly regularly-bankrupts insolvent doing business, but outside the legal system. The only thing I can see-an increase of this trend, and, of course, diminishing the scope of the legal system.
third thing is the slow-and fast fading can last GROWING barely middle class. Just-a surplus of income which can leave the basic living expenses disappear in the society at an accelerated pace. It is clear in this situation, expenditure restraint, which are not needed for survival-in this litigation and admnistracyjnych, which can be omitted. Parts of them can not be ignored, but the market and so of course it will shrink.
So in conclusion to this part-evident and obvious trends-the idea of \u200b\u200blife, which requires long-term investment, in order to enter the market with a shrinking rapidly growing competitors, is hm ... little sense.
But this is not the end of perspectives. Is the prospect of further-this is not so bad. Well, lawyers will always be needed. It is certainly (if a bit rozszeżyć its definition), one of the oldest professions in the world. He has always been and will need someone who can resolve the dispute, someone who can persuade, or even has a sufficiently respectful to the settlement were made in some way. This role, of course, is combined with social respect and a still-functioning image of a lawyer. Very good and just- but with a fairly high probability it can not be a way of life-but rather supplement (quite nice) for its wealth and social position. But as far as the distribution of vultures disappear state law, which the U.S. is a whole herd comes AIW Poland. Quite devoid of morality, types of fighting for compensation, completely unrelated to poszukiewaniem reason and justice. I met those, and somehow I do not like them to shake hands. Though the whole business is based solely on coercive state-will work in the short term, and for new graduates is the only alternative. When this constraint slows down it will end. Looking again at US-no one will regret it. Insanity health care costs are largely caused by a system of compensation for medical malpractice insurance and the prices of these errors-arising directly from this system.
Coming back to the lawyers it can and will be very good and respectable profession-if only to keep up decency and has a good and stable another source of income.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scientific Name For A Dog

sharpens your
arrange in a drawer with cutlery
waiting for you with dinner
ice cubes wrapped in paper
I'll drown
in a sea of \u200b\u200bink spilled

'm badly written
impatient desire
fear settles arguments
lost rhymes
tune your steps
trickle down my neck

if you can read the
whether you want to read

and had forgotten characters
question marks
fuck punctuation?

illiterate love

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Artiste™ By Scott Kay, Blissful Collection

Saving Energy in the U.S. Changing the rules of the game

It is quite obvious that decrease in the amount of energy available to the average man must be associated with reduction in the average quality of life. You can save, but another name for saving is simply a belt-tightening. For many it is a necessity, but a necessity rather pleasant. Much more fun when you absolutely nothing to be reckoned with.
energy consumption can be reduced in a population of 10% in two ways: 80% of the population buys (uses) of 12.5% \u200b\u200bless energy, or 20% of the population consumes half as much as before. The latter approach is almost used in California, where he comes pretty 'new poor "or the old middle class, now living in kamperach and playing hide and seek with the police.
In Silicon Valley, where it is currently still stubbornly refuses to start the dry season and is as cold as in Poland in the summer, about a quarter of the free standing office space for rent. These are the offices, which created and continues to create a technology that we use every day siedziąc before computers. Still manufactured today are quite useful things, but there are just fewer. People who work there are useless. Capital for new start-ups is not so much at once, which means indirectly, that existing resources are already missing out on investment. Available resources we consume more and more honor and less and less to devote to improved living standards in the future, yet the current consumption and so need to limit.

Below a few photos on energy saving in the U.S.. Residents of these vehicles no longer have to pay for the houses and piles of gadgets in their meeting, they live modestly and sparingly (at least for the conditions of the United States). And by the way - the picture we see a parking lot next to the store on a Sunday afternoon: yes side, and not prior to entry - but a bit empty - is not it?

course, this does not mean that 20% of the population lives in kamperach, but the real unemployment rate fluctuates around this figure. State administrative structures are still operating, so this koczowanie is "unlawful":

standard of living of the people "slightly" different from the previous ...

As for the level of savings, of course, the number of calories in food remains the same (at least until a complete disaster), with heating below a certain few who will not back down, but I've accumulated energy consumption in industrial products will be limited. Remember that energy is not only the current in the outlet or fuel in the car but also, and perhaps above all, the energy consumed to produce longer and carry various gadgets purchased by us. Vendors of these gadgets have a problem, but on the other hand, all the belt tightening, and not only 20% "and unlucky losers" who are losing their homes and cars, and harm them in order to survive the odd jobs, living in such gruchotach. We should also bear in mind that these are the most WASP-y accustomed to the level of the middle class - the worst neighborhoods inhabited by blacks and Hispanics simply do not fit. Another thing that the free market and so would not be able to rent anything, their creditworthiness is no, do not have a permanent job with inadequate incomes (and this is required when renting), not to mention the fact that they are not able to pay cash advance for the shortest possible term of the lease (usually amounting to six months).

conclusion - to reduce energy consumption is very possible. And it looks exactly like the crisis .......