Wednesday, May 25, 2011

12 Year Old Birthday Sayings For Cards

when you visit the bailiff


Za piętnaście minute the guests arrive,
you go,

Ma'am, we act on behalf of
we take television,
three platters of ham
and cheese
(the one with mildew).

Come back later!

They are coming from afar
aunt, uncle and grandmother
which is not acquitted yet of the will.

grandmother checked
can live, and yet three quarters
and we're in a hurry, we pay a percentage of
and eat and ham and cheese
insight and TV. Oh, no!

phone to the boss!
And now!

Grandma handrail,
uncle goat fiknie
aunt is do with you.

head on vacation.
uncle, and so fiknie,
and besides, we prefer Granny
and cheese and ham.
And on television just
match is!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How To Make Fat Hemp Necklaces

change of plans

I had to lie down next to
whisper lies
make promises
not approached
change of plans

made tea
beautiful day cynicism
perfect for cheating
changed into white
told from afar
zbliżałaś the
after each syllable
any exclamation
phone rang
change of plans

wife back a quarter
deceive you another time

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Floating Rose Petals Centerpieces


; ; ;


Created on me by mistake
event infatuation
complement sighs

and what are you doing here
whence you took

found me by chance
a dead
second did not come
pałętałem aimlessly

and you found your way here as
you know

met you
by accident or mistake

event or completion

he died
I came

do not know anyone else

second no
was not

heard your voice is just three minutes
two months ago

is it enough

(you're in my bloodstream)

Friday, April 29, 2011

I Had An Allergic Reaction To My Lips

Next on the future of the U.S.

Several times I mentioned that I think the U.S. will crumble. Of course, I shall not in the slightest to predict when it will happen. But I can see quite clearly a combination of factors that cause it.
Well-starting from the beginning: all the links in the U.S. Constitution and the American myth (giving a total), the dollar and the army.
Constitution, in practice, almost no force. Of course, formally the most-nothing, as everyone knows has not changed. But in reality, the federal government has it deep somewhere. The Supreme Court also. He is more policy and practice wyinterpretowywaniem of the Constitution of their new ideas, having no basis in practically anything-except, of course, fantasy judges. And the examples-if you please: only Congress has the right to go to war, and the last time you exercised that right in 1941. Under the Constitution the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Kuwait and Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, next in Iraq and Afghanistan, there was (OK-admit, I'm not sure that in all these cases, war was declared or not), but the other hand, these wars were really (Ie the media do not always lie:)) - because in one of these cases I have seen the U.S. military. And with virtually all other provisions is similarly ... So forget about the constitution.
American myth still exist, but for a change has nothing to do with the existence of the United States as such, but on the contrary. Federal rules favoring the big corporations are widely regarded as a serious obstacle to prosper, the federal government for the leech sapping money for a stupid war and overgrown and inefficient bureaucracy. Long ago it was a switch-today rather it is rather a medium for separatism.
remains dollar. A very important thing. With the world's reserve currency status allows Americans to live beyond their tight, exporting inflation and cost of living for the rest of the world. As long as it lasts, there is no real reason to change anything. A U.S. dollar connects quite closely with the U.S. Army because of course with impunity (as) printed in its U.S. dollar goes a large part of that just to maintain. And on the other hand, thanks to the federal government can hold the mighty military power being the world's policeman. But These two things are perfectly linked. When it is employed for the printing (and eventually, after all has to come), then the army will miss the money too. When the U.S. dollar will lose the role (or at least exclusively) a reserve currency, then begin a serious inflation in the U.S. (inflation and it is already clear-though the statistics do not see it-probably cheapened locomotives ...)
Anyway-after dollar must collapse the U.S. military swings. A federal minimum. Because I remember about a trifle-individual states also have their own armed forces-a substantial part of the government made available Federal-but at the instigation of the state can come back from day to day. From what ie Texas are quite serious. And it just is a state with a very strong sense of identity (you can even say that the National), where a healthy economy and large enough to the possibility of independent functioning. Next on the list is California (and California along with the rest of the west coast). Society here is completely different than in other parts of the United States, and the question of national identity first to hear the answer "Californian", or "Texan" and then "American." Aversion to the federal government is powerful.
A side gospadarczo-military: can only be hinted that a substantial part (if not most) of the armaments industry is just in the western states-and it is the most separatist.
course-probably the way it still goes through a phase of open rebellion. Can anyone argue that this is unlikely. Today, yes-but one key element of the tradition of this country is just a rebellion against the government. Today, he also already underway. The movement to defend the Constitution (in my opinion, overdue by about 100 years) is growing quite rapidly. These people still believe that it makes sense I can do. At some point I will no longer turn their backs on the federal government-seeking hope for the future of local government and the economy.
As long as the dollar-all is as it is slowly sinking down. As the dollar in its current form will disappear-probably will happen very quickly. And Independent Republic of California will be a really beautiful country.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Answers To Cellular Respiration Map

world after Peak Oil

Peak Oil is reality of our time. What's more, the exact date there is no meaning, and the only thing that from the beginning of this century, and the highest since 2005, we find ourselves at the top of the extraction of transient spikes in the back and forth, but the long-term permanent increase in extraction fossil-energy forever belongs to a bygone past. Currently, we expect to have a momentary increase in natural gas and perhaps coal-oil already but not really. And by the way I am still the world's population is growing-that is, the amount of available fossil energy per capita is falling earth. This process takes longer for some time. For now, we watch its impact on television, so there is nothing to worry .... But
-note the that this is only the beginning of this process. Can and should ask ourselves the question-what's next? Now
possible scenarios is further five:
first is a hypothetical possibility of replacing existing energy sources and maintaining the new industrial civilization of today, its further growth and expansion of the successive inhabitants of our beautiful planet. It sounds very beautiful-but I have only one question-what can give the energy source replacing fossil fuels in the appropriate scale and time? The real answers are only two-photovoltaics and nuclear reactors working at the track. Photovoltaics alone is not sufficient to maintain the existing network of energy-I do not provide electricity when needed, and the ability to store it is not. And that's it. After the last disaster in Japan can see that nuclear energy in every form poses more risks than we usually expect. I think that governments and society will be to get it all over the world now firmly oppose. So the path is already closed-because before it can move the construction of new reactors, our resources will be exhausted to the extent that this construction will be already impossible ... Besides the exploitation of what we have already at the most likely result in subsequent disasters, and getting bigger, longer completely legitimate opposition to them.
So-absolutely no faith, so that we can get out of Peak Oil-namely the technology in a way in which humanity has penetrated the previous energy crises.
second scenario-perhaps among the illusions about the implementation of First, it takes the development of industry, brings more and more, more and dirtier energy, getting bigger at the expense-see tar sands, shale gas, etc., which is used to maintain the illusion of civilization-although in fact, a growing share of available resources is consumed only for This acquisition, and so decreasing amounts of energy. This scenario is currently processed in the dominant part of the world, who must stop a complete collapse. Just at one point we come to the precipice. And there will be no possibility of movement. Resources in August will stand just too costly to obtain energy. All energy prices soar into space first and then the market will disappear altogether, probably along with paper money. I can happen in a fairly short time-we had a foretaste of what in 2008 was that's not the end, but boldly end of the world as we know it might look like.
So we have a potential third-world opportunity to measure consciously phased out from fossil fuels towards more zrownowarzonego operation, public transportation, as more energy-efficient privatization gradually replaces (in terms of journeys without loads d. .. individually by car), our homes and farms gradually will restrict consumption of fossil fuels, and garden produce increasingly visible part of the food we needed. So it looks like the Polish partially a nightmare of the 80's, partly as Cuba after the Soviet collapse, partly as a dream lovers of permaculture. Gradually, acting in this way we keep quite tolerable level, although completely revised life. In smaller communities, with only sporadic movement into the far distances and local disposal of their goods and services. In this arrangement, only large centralized state would then be needed for anything ...., but apart from that it can operate. Unfortunately, this need-to that was a large society understands and huge, often state-enforced system of legal and investment. In short-conscious and enlightened government, capable of punching working in the long term, and look favorable conditions .... This can happen in some places in the world-and what I also poniektore countries at this angle even describe. Unfortunately, the conscious government and favorable conditions They usually occur in different places, so I can be a dilemma what to choose. Fortunately, in Poland there is no such dilemma-there is not here neither one nor the other-no, but that is about to Agepo.
So we have come to the script calling it the fourth-abbreviated as "a reflection of the collapse", ie a situation in which you structure and the previous state simply collapse in August (or continue to operate formally, but I completely ignored), however, still enough resources to maintain a basic minimum the level of most of society, and further community is able to organize locally, to ensure the safety and operation of the local framework. Of course, finance and international trade in such a situation-if at all will remain, it is only in rudimentary form, the great city largely deserted in August, and life will be heavy and dangerous outside the local communities, but after a short period breakdowns rather large portion of civilization is szanase to rebuild on a new basis-so you can also call it a "big reset"
And finally the fifth scenario-just Mad Max. Unfortunately, in many ways quite realistic. There are cracks in both the state, as well as of local communities. This then becomes a new order from scratch, but at the start of his term no one is able to provide security to farmers-which simply means plunder what they can and the lack of any connection with the constancy of food production, rapidly decreasing population passes through a stage robbery the gathering-hunting and only then again to a small farming opatrego a fortified settlement.
Well-world is changing-and it changes the page as described above. Probably will be just that in different places, maybe even in different regions present different scenarios, there are states of the above. It can be predicted from such North Africa (and maybe an inch) and Haiti in August to fight the Mad Max, and also from different regions of the United States will look completely different after the collapse of the state (the longer on this wonder, the more certain I it seems)
But I'm very interested, and so only two things-what might be the future of Polish-and after it is Agepo (sadly died down a bit lately, by the General overload the whole three of us-someone has ochte say something?), and the second thing-where to find the best prospects for the future.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hardy Weinberg Problems Lab 8 #1

La ciudad loca

Another beautiful place in the world. If someone likes the charm of Southern European culture, with its advantages niewiatpliwymi, and even all faults, and by the way he loves the big city life-such a city is only one of Buenos Aires. Most descriptive Paris 100 years ago there fit. City, who did not sleep here, and you can probably find all the entertainment which only can be devised. Inclusive of the great Polish pub (for those interested-bar "Krakow", San Telmo, Venezuela 474). Anyway, this pub is a new example of Polish emigration. Of course, not very large, but quite different from that of 100 years ago-when I come here, and the rural poor after WWII, where they reached many Poles scattered all the world to troops in the West, etc. Today the whole Argentina, especially Buenos Aires, but (as usual) again downloading crowds immigrants. With this amendment, the new immigration from Europe or the U.S. They are mostly people who come here with some capital and to begin with, most often rather small, business. It is, moreover, very easy (not necessarily from the bureaucracy, but the business), because the words describe the way the basic functioning of the southerners is of course "fiesta, siesta and Manana," so if only a relatively przyzwiocie anyone can do his job and has a northern European approach to it is is condemned outright for success here.
But back to the city-must remember one thing. This is great. Going from the center of any page 40 km further we are in town. Officially, no less than 13 million inhabitants, unofficially belongs to add at least a million-including many illegal immigrants from neighboring Paraguay and Bolivia. They can recognize the variety at first glance-Argentinians are white, and are commonly Paragwajczycy metysi, Boliwiczycy-Indians. Classes also differentiates some of them-roughly speaking, India is August recycling (ie, rummaging in garbage cans), and metysi simple physical work. Besides, if the racial mix of the local growing-General stores are increasingly conducting their Chinese of course are jewelry retailer in the yarmulkes, and Negroes indefinite sell junk on the sidewalks. In this set does not completely surprised to hear about a Pole, who founded the company in construction and rather quickly began lists their nice-in the end everywhere and transport timber is a Polish specialty.
A transport in this city is of course a completely different story. The mere passage through the streets requires some practice and understanding of the rules. For someone with Polish is not until such a big problem, but the transfer from the U.S. or the UK could result in a certain sense of loss ... Vehicles, traffic lights follow, but they are rather pedestrian-and do not concern it both ways. With this, that she sees on the crossing in August glowing white puppet is not clear that one can go safely. Rather, a flock of bikers pass us, but in fact the car and a bus stop in August to pass a pedestrian not to be believed. Truly speaking, as yesterday stopped the car before going to make me miss it I did not know how to react.
another story behind it is public transport-bus drivers generally do not think anyone said that the gas or brake at all you can hit different than until it stops. And it actually describes everything. Apart from that night out of hours, I go to two or even four of the same line, one behind the other and at the bus stops one who is not fully loaded. Metro is even funnier. As a completely crowded can be defined off-peak hours. But in the rush hour could be observed with another self-organizing ability of normal society. Now, in the metros dzwiach usually become quite ordinary men and Rosli dopychaja himself and the rest of the passengers at the time of closing the door. Of course I have to close all the doors on the train to set off, which usually does not succeed as the first attempt-but generally works.
again-though of course the city is great. Various districts differ from each other probably more than for example the cities in Poland. Starting from this example, Puerto Madero, which has become indistinguishable from the American metropolis by Palermo, Buenos longer true, but where the local as often as you can hear English on the streets (not from tourists, residents only) to the wretched villa misera, full Métis and Indians-who recalls that, however, we are in South America.
A more-general, describing the city is still for people, not for cars. And truly speaking, who has a little car here. It is the first road in life (and it's not about fuel, insurance, or something-just a car, which as the local conditions are really expensive), and second in the city virtually useless-public transport, despite the customary traffic congestion Works fine and is also plenty of cheap taxis (specifically, the largest in the world per capita). A and so exiting the house actually do not have to ride almost anywhere. Everything is always close. Is it a restaurant or cafe, shop-way or owaki There is always a ten-minute walk in the footprint. A purchases also do not have to wear them-most of the shops provide your own transportation.
-course home from work, but sometimes far away. However, as someone do not like usual means of transport-can also do as another friend. Thanks to good relations with local police, usually comes home ... cop car.
A police general, there is a lot and is generally safe. However, if someone is not noticed earlier in this description-it is a great city. Of course, here you can get rid of the wallet, purse, or backpack. And again-in different places in different ways. In better neighborhoods first-class pickpockets operate in the medium already use methods more like trick than finesse, and the worst probably can get the caps simply. But anyway, I at least feel safer here than in San Francisco, for example, not to mention the Polish cities. Though it may have influenced it, the city did not fall asleep and not wilderness after dark. In fact, exactly live around the clock every day of the week.
So, summarizing, if someone likes-poludniowoeuropejska culture, or at least I feel good in takiech places, and by the way that live like a big city-it is the right place on earth, and equally as possible, and perhaps more civilized than at least some regions of southern Europe. It should at least visit them and try to know.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clean Rust On Rechargeable Batteries

two thoughts
exclusive as we

be live
blind and deaf
is easier?

In a small pocket
in a large drawer
in a little soul
crushed word
abandoned acts

be live
hungry and thirsty
is easier?

put aside greed
in uniforms
nobody recognizes me
nobody remembers

and if?
but how?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Units Of Heparin Conversion

second, and better end of the world

are things that You can check the theory, but some of you have to see personally. For some time I believed that Argentina is a country definitely worthy of attention, both in terms of interests, as well as considering the move from the Polish. After just a few days on the site can give first impressions.
One of the most important things is a problem with the Argentinian national self-determination. This country lies very much in South America, which is easy enough to check the map, but rather is definitely not a part of it culturally and mentally. Part of self-identification in Mexico and Peru is the search for continuity with the pre-Columbian cultures, the opposition, the Indians against the English domination, etc., a gradual increase in the number of population without mass immigration and the creation of any national identity, in some parts common to Latin America.
history of Argentina is very different. After obtaining independence, there was widespread and consistent extermination of the Indians - konsekwentniejsza even than in the U.S., then the policy of encouraging immigration - only the white of course. At the same time, unlike in the U.S., have not established any doctrine spanning virtually the society. Consequently, the Argentinians they do not know exactly who you are. Contrary to appearances, for sure this is not part of Latin America. I think best describes them a bon-mot, which I do not remember where and when I heard, namely that they are Italians speaking in English, living in the French homes and think that they are British. I would say that it is perfectly accurate in his succinct description - here you can give as an example of a highly characteristic behavior: Argentinians at bus stand in polite queues - unless something like this occurs only in England yet. By the way - Argentinian English variety is very "rustling" in the wording and it may be appropriate to place responsibilities on the third-largest source of Argentinian origin, after Spain and Italy, or Poland. Paraphrasing already mentioned above, bon-mot: Italians speaking in English, but with a Polish accent ...
summarize - a nation unique in its kind and giving heart of this description - just European. Cities are fairly obvious for people, not for cars, and pure quality of life, if only income is within the range, closer to the middle class and the poor is not naprewde niezla. Definitely more comparable to what the nicest places in Europe than the U.S..
By the way - it now lasts an economic boom. Unemployment actually disappeared, moreover, almost everyone who left after 2001 already went back and come crowds of others - on the one hand Europejczkow Americans and the other poor in Paraguay and Bolivia, job seekers here in black.
This increase is generated based a fairly solid foundation - Europe needs food and biofuels in Argentina, Argentina actually does not need anything from Europe or the USA.
Quite clearly it shows who will be dictated terms in the future ....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Can Preperation H Reduce Waste Size?

your helplessness (18) birthday

(do not know how to begin)

looking rhymes
phone number
dried umbilical
relics rattles
unsent letters

paint you in the light and
darkness omissions

when you were four years
wanted a doll with long hair
year later
plush something
everything was

if you ever wanted to