Monday, November 29, 2010

Team Name For March Of Dimes

Europe or the USA? The real value of the property

As an exacerbation of the global crisis energy, humanity, of course, in some way to adjust (but rather for the majority of experiencing less pleasant). But it would be naïve to assume that each touches the same way. Clearly this will be the world's countries and regions that lose, or even into chaos, and those that lose little, or maintain its present level. All you really need to deep crisis due to decreased energy consumption in the world-that the rest would be even better. Of course, a "cover" for this is the financial crisis-who will finish sooner or later some country-consumers of energy. What's more-it can be assumed that in case of drastic decline in living standards (and consumption) in the U.S. or southern Europe may experience a momentary revival of the global economy. And one of those things happen. The current showdown between the euro and the dollar reminds me of the fight two boxers-who get paid only for winning the fight, and since the money depend on their future life. None of them can not give up, and both are already in a position such that the only way to save the transaction after the fight but their life- first need to win this fight-without a victory they can not afford such an operation. If the dollar hyperinflation-it will devour the euro almost automatically become an important (and perhaps main) account and the reserve currency of the world. PIIGS problems can be in such a case, simply print the-becoming small compared to world demand for euros. If the euro becomes the world is unbelievable-the dollar, for a time at least.
It seems that we have a boolean option-or the U.S. will fall to European levels of energy consumption (because the world will no longer provide for its green papers), or waiting PIIGS scale collapse in Argentina. Such a decrease in consumption would probably be sufficient for a few years, then there will be another crisis and then will have to adapt. Poland this is rather in the European basket and fall of the dollar to us just for a moment he could go to health. In the most optimistic (for us) scenario and the euro will survive the collapse of the dollar and becomes the world reserve currency. Of course, the euro area as a whole becomes a joyful consumption zone, and the countries on the periphery deliver goods and services consumed en masse by the Spaniards and Slovaks, of course until the next crisis and the final decay.
as potential bankrupts should, of course, also bet on countries that are in poor and corrupt local governments are experiencing an energy crisis (peak oil in Argentina was 1998). This can also work well in today's world-known that the crises and the collapse of will-over time, becoming more serious and affect more and more players-but the greater the crisis in one country, the greater is the state that will give it a long breath. If per capita oil consumption in the U.S. falls to Spain or Japan today (and this can be achieved under-provisioning simple change to small cars, moving to more efficient and smaller houses, etc.) then this would save in the world of 7 million barrels per day-that is the optimistic scenario for 5 years mild decline in production. This would give time for some may be aware the mass of the situation and buy the next time. Including the possible rapid development of possible alternatives-Europe and the U.S. come down to the level of Polish most of the 80's and if you escape the war-economy is in a modified mankind will once again prosper.
If you fall will be faster or not to escape the war-will be even harder. Although the period of rapid change-and this is certain-there will always be some who are on one of the market trend or a momentary-mania after temporary improvement of the situation just earn.


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