Saturday, February 23, 2008

To Get My Temporary License

offered among a multitude of types of finishing materials is not easy to decide what floor covering whether the wall has to be in the next house. Speaking of coats of natural cork, which is not a novelty in Poland, still feel the lack of information about these materials. There is also skeptical, although a soft material such as cork and conservative view on the traditional floor coverings such as parquet flooring, laminated boards, etc. But that is only matter of time. In the world of cork products are becoming increasingly popular. In the more advanced countries began to become increasingly attuned to the natural materials, either by installing thermal insulation and the lining walls and floors. Not without reason that in Germany more than all the European countries of cork products are sold. Approximately 60% of the cork falls on the American state. Rapidly increasing demand for cork production in Japan. Apparently for such popularity is influenced by a deep tradition of the Japanese walk around the house barefoot.

cork production is not cheap. This is understandable, since the cork - this is a unique material which is distinguished by its properties and a limited amount of land and its demand in the world is constantly increasing. Cork - it is the bark of cork oak, growing on the western shores of the Mediterranean. Without harming the bark of trees every 9 - 10 years obłupia the trunk. In this way a raw material for the manufacture of cork products. Stopper for bottles of wine are produced from the same material. Now, with the help of modern technology began to develop cork finishing materials for walls and floors, cork, technical, etc.

In Poland gained in popularity, cork wall finishing materials (plates, wallpapers, covers, roll). The most popular ones are the wall panels with dimensions of 600 × 300 and a thickness of 3 mm. It is produced from natural cork. Depending on the size of pieces of oak bark, and the direction of cutting is used for making plates of different designs (invoice). To avoid the monotony caused by a single color cork, the majority of designs colors or completely painted in different colors. Almost all the plates of the specimen covered with a protective wax layer, which protects on external factors, dirt and przeschnięcia.

cork wall panels suitable for residential and industrial premises. Depending on the style with their help create a decorative finishing elements, or cover the whole wall. No need to be remembered however, that cap its texture and color is "strong" material, which is why wall coverings should be used in moderation. A few years of operation disclosed all its practical features: durability, resistance to dirt to thermal insulation properties. Currently, these coatings are widely used in places which is znaszają or dirty. These are the halls, walls, staircases, stairs, children's rooms, the walls in the kitchen, etc. In such cases it is necessary to use a cork plate covered with a protective wax layer. For sale are treated with wax and niewoskowane variants. If after some time the walls are wybrudzą, they can be easily cleaned with soapy or dipped in a weak liquid with a damp sponge. Niewoskowane board is recommended to use where there is no direct contact with clothing, furniture, or hands, because they are more susceptible to dirt and are difficult to I clean. Wax also protects the cork from drying off, so after some time in the warmer areas between the plates niewoskowanymi gaps may occur.

cork coverings are not afraid to mechanical damage: scratches, cuts, stings pin.

cork has a wonderful property to hide the cuts, except that the general background they just can not see. Very damaged disc is not difficult to replace with new ones.

cork wall panels to the floor is sticky. Before the operation it is necessary to acclimate them, ie to extract and for 24 hours to leave the room, where they will be taped. Although gluing cork offers of various types of glue, do not use the long drying and imposed ząbkowatą spatula. During the acclimation can change the width of plate, which is the primary indicator of the quality of bonding. If you use these glues the edges of the plates are not on one line, making it difficult to continue working. Therefore, we recommend that you use adhesives on the type of contact. Cork boards can be a little stretch or download. Contact adhesive in the blink of an eye corrected stick the disc in the required position. In order to avoid gaps between the panels, plate while sticking to the press have already adhered. During the coverage of adhesive is in no way, you can soak the plates, because it can make the panels appear bulge, which can be difficult to remove. This is one of the fundamental mistakes made due to negligent performance of work or not instructed to gluing.

cork wall coverings equally sticky, dry and solid surfaces. If this is a plastered wall, it should be even wyszpachlować time to reduce quantity thus used glue. You can also stick to painted surfaces, it is just that they are strong, and the paint is not flaky. If the surface is covered with wallpaper, wallpaper should be removed. If the surface has a slight inequality, cork board hide it well. The sheets are flexible, so you can teach them round metal columns.

Although cork absorbs little moisture, but remember that it is not recommended it stick to wet walls. Moisture from the inner side of the room is not as harmful as the spreading of the wall. Cork does not attract mold and rot, it is also susceptible to fungus, but over time the adhesive, which is glued, it can not withstand. In this case, it is recommended to cover a wall or put a layer of insulating gypsum - cardboard, which then stick the cork. In very wet areas is not recommended to use a painted cork boards, because moisture may damage the paint.

cork - is a material naturally. Under the action of the sun is shining. When designing the finish is not recommended for planning to cover the cork in places that are under direct sunlight. If you can not change the project for sun protection should be provided for curtains or blinds.

So, using the above advice, you can create a cozy, comfortable and not aging finish.

most important species is the production of cork flooring.

Demand for wall coverings, cork is often dependent fashion, while increasing the popularity of cork floors and occupies a strong position among the various types of flooring. It is unbelievable that these covers are placed in airport lounges, hospitals, churches, etc., and they serve up over 20 years. They are cork cover utilities. They may be floating and bonded, with an invoice from natural cork and covered with various wood chips. Size of the whole production is covered with a friction-resistant, transparent layer of vinyl. Heels in this case acts as a layer of thermal insulation and amortization. It is a quiet, robust and longevity floor. Just like any other, but it also needs proper care. There are specific to the preservation measures, which must be processed on a regular basis. These measures increase the longevity of the floor and improve the overall appearance. Most state of the floor depends on the host, it should provide care taking into account the periodicity of the floor you know. This type of floor it is advisable to put on a leveling layer of concrete, paying particular attention to the insulating layer. The amount of moisture in the concrete should not exceed 2%. This is one of the main factors determining the operation of cork flooring. Most of these errors by ignoring the reputation suffers from the same material. Coverage of general interest are also arranged in a residential area, but to do so for a cheaper, warmer type of floor with natural cork, pressed, which, after laying coincides varnish. Price per 1 m 2 this type of floor is approximately equal to the price floor. It is exceptionally quiet, warm, laminated flooring. Its longevity depends on the initial investment, and that is good but the road paint, which of course increases the price of 1m 2 and best protect the new floor from znaszania. Tani, faint paint significantly reduces the time for the next painting. In this case, the worst is when pulled from the moment re-varnish, lacquer to know when a plug is dirty and destroyed. This is difficult to restore the floor and give it its original appearance. Covered with a good paint, properly operated and the time re-varnished cork floor really serve for many years. Even more so, that in comparison with the work of re-varnishing wooden floors are much simpler. On the floor is not to press the cork from furniture, shoe heels, etc., which are removed from the dance floor zeszlifowując layer of wood. Old paint should only remove the cork and put a new one. Heavily damaged cork boards should be replaced with new ones.


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