Saturday, September 29, 2007

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selection of wooden flooring on the market may be a headache. The prospective investor must consider the aesthetics and properties of wood, but also take into account the structure of the floor and the way it is fitting. Significant for the domestic cost of the investment budget leaves no room for mistakes, so it is important to contact the seller and the information that we obtain from him before making a purchasing decision. The following seven questions for the seller to help you make the right choice and assembly planning.

important quality when buying for years.
first What is the manufacturer? Good references
manufacturer is a guarantee of high quality raw material and technology. This is particularly important in the case of wooden floors. The conditions of storage, drying and Quarantine has already finished product are important for the quality of service floor. Floor with poor humidity can cause problems by over-work of wood and the formation of unsightly cracks. Modern technological line provides precision bonding joints individual items. Conditions of production floor reflects its warranty, the length of the best producers of up to 30 years (barlinecka board, Barlinek SA).

oak, beech, and perhaps a better deck?
second What are the parameters of the selected timber?
choice of wood is not only a decision as to the aesthetics of the floor, but also its durability. Each species has specific technical parameters. For most floors are resistant to abrasion and dents and to changes in temperature and humidity. Therefore, it is worth noting the nature of the room in which to be installed floor and to predict the intensity of its future operation. To areas with high traffic, such as living rooms, are recommended for floors made of hardwood such as beech, oak, ash and hornbeam. Cheaper usually the species with lower parameters - maple, birch, alder - will suffice as a floor in the bedrooms. What's more, these two species exhibit strong characteristics of ionizing radiation, as well as protect against the effects of watercourses. In the case of premises and sites heavily used, such as hallways, corridors or stairs, you should invest in a very hard exotic wood. Especially recommended are here: deck, badi, Bubinga, Padouk and merbau.

If you do not want to combine different types and colors of wood (other in the hall, while others open to the living room) or invest in exotic wood, choose a board barlinecka line Professional or Exclusive. They have a factory-made to cover the new generation of coatings increased, compared to standard coatings, resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage.

What we choose, and what do we get?
third What is the guarantee of color floor?
Wood is a natural material, which according to from the place of growth and climatic conditions prevailing at any given time can take different colors within the same species. Therefore, our floor may differ from the color samples seen in the store. The more so that the latter is exposed to light, which causes darkening of the timber or may be subjected to restoration, which also affects the color.
safest choice in this respect, the factory floor are painted and oiled. Presented in the shops are covered with impregnated samples (oil, paint), with identical composition and performance technique, which we have at home.

Today, Tomorrow or per month?
4th How is the availability of the floor?

Our dream floor is not always available immediately. Problem is especially exotic species, as well as in terms of grain selekcjonowanych or refined native species. You might check the time before we will have to wait for weeks. In the case of recognized producers, they always have stocks of the most popular species such as beech, oak and ash. In favor of the buyer also works is that their floors are sold in many retail outlets, which stocks will vary. Therefore, if your floor is not available in one store, it does not mean that it is not different in our city. In the case of Barlinek list of sales outlets is available on the website of the company.

Assembly for 2 days or 2 weeks?
5th How long does the naturalization floor in an apartment?

purchased (must be packed), the floor has to go through a period of acclimation before installation in the room destination. During this time, takes over the degree of humidity and ambient temperature, thereby reducing the "work" (zsychanie or swelling) after positioning. The length depends on the acclimation construction of floors and time of year and can have a significant impact on the time of the whole assembly. Short - 48 hours - laminated flooring require acclimation, such as a board barlinecka. Used in it: cross-layer arrangement relative to each other, (non-adhesive) barclick snap connector that connects the individual boards and the optimal thickness of the floor (15 mm), allow for the effective removal of the natural stress of wood. For these same reasons, the thick solid floor, with large elements, require a longer acclimation. Her time is increased for periods of autumn and winter, which carry a risk of large changes in temperature and humidity.

assembly more expensive than the floor?
6th What is the cost of installation?

solid flooring installation can be demanding. Few people realize how many of the actions required, and that it may be, therefore, extends over time up to several weeks. The basic steps are: priming the spout, the arrangement and glue the floor, the scraping and priming and painting, and usually double the final rib. The cost of materials for assembly is typically about 50% of the floor. It varies However, depending on the price of wood (cheaper native species and exotic expensive) as well as the size of the floors (parquet flooring and wide plank solid long they need more expensive, stronger bonding glue). The high cost of chemicals for the installation and service - often more than twice the price of the raw material - also applies to industrial parquet.

In the case of the sandwich floor looks much simpler, faster and is also less expensive. Floor, such as a board barlinecka have finished pre-ible layer (oil or varnish) so that no need to buy the above impregnation and scrape and fill the surface. The design allows the installation of the floor in the "floating" without the use of glue, which gives additional savings. Lower labor costs are also mounting team, which non-adhesive positioning boards and rails, in a room of 30 m2, performed within 1-2 days. After installation you can immediately proceed to the installation of furniture.
Barlinek design boards and its optimum thickness - 15 mm - also predispose her as cover on the underfloor heating, which was confirmed in several months, specialist tests.

Who will do it well?
7th Does the shop have good editors?

best quality wood, not defend itself against the mounting crew incompetence. Her responsibilities include not just the position of the floor, but may check screed moisture before assembly, which is particularly important in new buildings. If you set it too high, the floor can not be mounted under the risk of distortion. Tolerance of the moisture content varies depending on the method of installation. When laying the boards Barlinek in a "floating" (using a foil vapor barrier) acceptable level is about 3%. However, in the traditional solid flooring installation (by sticking to the ground), it can not have more than 2%. Employment
the sales team is a guarantee of the annual warranty and usually save money. Shop, earning the materials for assembly, will be more willing to offer a lower rate for the service.

decision to choose hardwood floors because of the different types of construction and performance of each species, presents a real challenge. Take advantage of expert knowledge, asking him the right questions. Reputable the manufacturer is a guarantee of high quality raw material, performance flooring, as well as its installation and service. Comfort and reliability are particularly important when buying a product not a year or two, but the decades, as is the case with wooden floors.

text was written based on an interview with Mrs Margaret foothills, a sales specialist wooden flooring.


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How to protect floor from moisture? Mohs Scale

Oiling solid wood ensures the protection and increases water resistance. In order to ensure sustainability oiling the floors should be systematic, while on the surface signs of wear.

also just secured timber for local consumption can be renewed only in that particular place without the need for full restoration of the floor. At the same time ensure that oil is what is missing in the case of wood varnish coverage - preserve the natural structure of wood that you can feel your hand moving across the surface so secured the wooden flooring.

oil penetrates deep into

wood impregnating them. So protected is easier to clean and ideal for in the bathroom, where he is needed flooring material resistant to moisture. Mismatched paint in the bathroom could have the effect that water vapor gets deeper into the wood through even minimal damage to the protective layer which blocks it before evaporating a layer of varnish. However, oiled wood breathes which allows it to work in variable weather conditions.

Some oiled surfaces and periodically require additional collateral or paste wax. However, surfaces that are secured only with the help of wax are less resistant to wear because the wax creates a protective layer on the surface only, which This layer is wiping the work of nursing.

paint gives the surface a sheen of precious wood as in the case of wood with a clear drawing of the grain may give the effect of three-dimensionality. But so what paint does not work in heavily used areas such as vestibules, halls, dance halls, because it may scratch and odpryskiwaniu. In such places, but just checked the oil, protecting the wood better, not just on the surface but even up to several millimeters into the depths. Of course, in the case of very heavy use floor requires more frequent impregnation. It should also be remembered that the oil-covered floor surface is dull.

Some species of wood, primarily exotic contain natural oils and resins, making oily wood. In this case, it is necessary to experience and prudence in the use of protective materials, which can enter into chemical reactions with natural wood components. Inappropriate selection of varnishes and oils may result in irreparable damage to the wood surface, the constant abandonment of gray paint and the formation of a raid and irremovable stains. Hence it is important to read the instructions on the packaging of-care and concrete flooring manufacturer's advice. Typically, exotic floors have "their" funds for maintenance and daily cleaning and some even do not need to protect any means, because they are impregnated naturally.

frequency of maintenance of the floor depends on the intensity of its use. Wood can be re-sanded and painted as if with oil. Of course, the possibility of multiple scraping depends on the degree of damage to the floor. However, daily care for oiled floors is restricted to sand sweeping and vacuuming.

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abrasiveness and class tiles

tiles are currently used not only to teach the ground bathrooms, terraces and kitchen, but more often they can be found in the salons and bedrooms.

most appropriate choice of tiles may be somewhat hampered by the wide range of market trends in design as well as a multitude of materials used in the manufacture of ceramic floors. Editorial staff decided to help all buyers of troubled wide range of color plates coverings and their countless properties.

Depending on where the floor tiles are installed, they must satisfy certain properties:

  • plate to the interior, in which users move barefoot or in soft shoes must have a sufficient resistance to abrasion (except for glazed tiles and glazed) and resistance to staining;
  • plate to the interior, where users are moving in the shoe must have a abrasion resistance (greater value applies foyers and lobbies) and resistance to staining;
  • tiles for the bathroom must have a resistance to abrasion (except for public bathrooms, except for the bathroom inside), and stain resistance to chemicals commonly used in the household - the bottom of the trays should be used with non-slip tiles;
  • tiles to the kitchen must have abrasion resistance, surface hardness on the Mohs scale 6-8, slip resistance (as indicated, but not necessary), must be resistant to staining and to chemicals used in household;
  • tiles on terraces shall have an abrasion resistance, slip resistance and frost resistance;
  • tiles on the external stairs shall have an abrasion resistance, slip resistance, frost resistance and The surface hardness of 7-8 on the Mohs scale;
  • plates for industrial buildings must be characterized by improved mechanical characteristics, chemical resistance and resistance stain;
  • pool tiles must have very low water absorption, resistance to salt used in swimming pools and resistance to the constant humidity, and slip resistance;
  • plate Ĺ‚ugoodporne acid and must possess a high resistance to acids and alkalis and elevated mechanical parameters.

Hence, it can be noted that the most important feature tile floors is their resistance to abrasion. This parameter determines the section of wall and floor tiles and is determined using the PEI abrasion class (a scale of 1 to 5):

CLASS L - plates of this class can be used only in areas where it is used indoor footwear (bathrooms, bedrooms), the plates are not are resistant to scratches. CLASS II
- tiles to the premises as in class l, are somewhat more resistant to scratches.
CLASS III - These tiles have been as good abrasion resistance, you can apply them in all living areas (not public), only the zone at the door input should be made of tiles of a higher class.
CLASS IV - tiles of this class can be used in all residential buildings, offices and public buildings (with the exception of particularly heavy traffic).
CLASS V - where these plates are no longer any restrictions as to location of use, are so resistant to abrasion that can be used both in residential as well as in offices and supermarkets.

The aforementioned hardness Mohs hardness determined in respect of to a particular mineral. Materials with hardness 2 can scratch with your fingernail, the material with a hardness of 5 - a sharp instrument. The hardest material on this scale is dziesięciostopniowej diamond.

material comes from website Flooring info.