Wednesday, March 19, 2008

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What is concrete?

 water, cement and fine filler material - these are the most important components of concrete. Depending on their characteristics and composition are changing the properties of concrete. One of the main parameters determining the resistance of the flooring, the subsidence of the concrete mass. It is determined according to the water / cement ratio and the number of special additives - The smaller the water to cement ratio, the more quality cement.

Before laying the concrete floor facility should determine the state of the substrate. If the floor is laid for the first time, research is needed surveying the area from which you will be able to plan work. If the old concrete surface, you should first read the technical documentation for its styling, and if does not exist - do research. This will help to accurately splanować work. It is also important whether the substrate has a waterproofing.


  • Preparatory . If the substrate is old, you must remove the sick part of it, the floor wash away dirt, dust and grease.
  • Waterproofing . If the existing substrate and a new floor put a layer of polymer, it not only stops moisture, but also reduce the possibility of the appearance of cracks due to subsidence. This layer provides the advance of the concrete surface between the joints. If this layer will not, joints may arise between the cracks.
  • Strengthening. If the substrate is quite strong, it strengthens the grid with one or two layers of the valve. Net is destined to take over the burden of subsidence in hardened concrete.
  • concrete additives. Before the appearance of cracks in fresh concrete protects the use of polymer fibers or metal fibers. The concrete plant along with the fiber is inserted into the plasticizers - concrete additives to reduce subsidence. The remainder of the plasticised concrete is poured into the square, since the time of their actions wynisi - 30-50 min. Plasticizers are selected depending on the needs of technical and temperature.
  • adopting concrete foreman should already have a plan to end the project. If the ground is laid thick cover such as concrete and magnesium or to cover the polymer with the addition of quartz, adopted concrete enough to thicken the concrete vibrator and smooth vibrating sander. In the case where the finished surface will be piling thin polymeric cover or it is painted, the concrete should be equal to the equations of special machines, concrete, thereby enhancing its upper layer, because the thin layer covering all the inequality persists concrete.
  • Prevent accumulation of dust can be the concrete floor being careful thickening mineral additives. These materials are applied to the freshly placed, leveled concrete. It is a concrete maintenance measure, which also improves its drying. In a way it złańcza chemical materials that produce dust, so the floor becomes a stronger and more can be cleaned.
  • Expansion joints. When laying concrete floor should be remembered of joints in the settlement. These connectors are divided into the concrete surface in such a way as to allow it to settle and there were no cracks causing internal loads. The depth of connections varies from 30 mm to 1 / 2 thickness of concrete, depending on the thickness and device technology. Spare connector is filled with special elastic material.

over time to affect different parts of the building load. Most are charged to the floor. Concrete composition and method of stacking may be impact on its durability, resistance to know, density, cooling, subsidence and water. Keep this in mind when laying the floor. Although

, concrete can withstand heavy loads, however, if the anticipated installation of a concrete floor in a place where great demands are placed, you should note that the method of laying a concrete floor with a stronger top layer is called toppingu. This method also helps protect the top layer of dust that arises when the upper layer znaszaniu.

Technology floor installation of reinforced concrete top layer is pretty simple. To the newly arranged and adjusted the concrete surface is rubbed with a special dry mix, which significantly strengthens the technical characteristics of concrete: flattening resistance, impact, you know, is less accumulation of dust and improves the overall appearance of the floor.

What are dry curing concrete?

dry mixture of hydraulic cement, and minor additions to be evenly rubbed into the surface of the concrete before it hardens, then corrected to give the surface desired properties. The mixture may contain pigments or may not contain.

While rubbing a mixture soaks into the top layer of concrete and made it even denser. After the final sanding is closed most of the pores located in the concrete surface, which increases its resistance to cold. Such a floor can be used 15 - 20 years. The reinforced layer of concrete, forming a whole is essential, because both covers are arranged with the help of Portland cement. Resistance of the upper layer is 90 cps, and more. Dry-floor hardeners produced by modern technology can withstand very heavy burden - even tracked machines.

Advantages floor arranged on the basis of technology topping :


not be dusting;

Greater resistance to know;

Easy care;

short technological process;

floor can be colored;

constitutes the entire top layer of concrete is not essential and odłańcza;

Where it can be installed?

  1. In plants, warehouses;
  2. In the area of \u200b\u200btrade;
  3. in garages for cars and trucks;
  4. On parkingas;


floor - walk on the floor can be after one day;

- light loads are allowed after one week;

- total load floor is allowed after 12 - 28 days. # article

Goldwell Online Colour Chart

Concrete floor in the garage floor coverings of cork

garage - it's not just a room in which keep the car. It is also the place where the various tools and equipment.

not quality garage flooring can cover up unwanted dirt. It is quite common. It would seem that this part of the house does not require much attention, but a good floor in the garage will protect the surface from exposure to harmful materials. So do not be hard to keep it clean, and the garage will be in good condition for many years. From the floor of the garage to decide if it will work nicely, because there does fine renovations. The same applies to garages - the studio that auto mechanics are to work.

finish the walls in the garage should be simple, easy to clean, should not be on him to collect soot and dirt. Best suited to the paint or plaster. The lower part of the wall should be painted a dark, while the top - a bright color.

If you spend a lot of time in the garage, it would be useful to warming. With the existing wall is mounted a metal or wooden frame. Between him secure an insulating film is placed glass wool and hides desired finishing material. These can be wooden, plastic or gypsum board, glass, organic or profiled sheet. General problem of such premises is moisture. There may be mold. Wet floors can cause other problems: it becomes difficult to keep cardboard boxes or other objects are not resistant to moisture, it is slippery. The floor must have a small slope. The best option - it is good air circulation and put things in such a way that does not touch the floor. Coverage must be resistant to moisture and does not absorb water. The second important factor - the floor must look neat and aesthetically.

If the floor surface is of poor quality, even the most expensive and very good quality surface is unable to maintain their positive characteristics. The floors of the garage may be concrete or tiled. They are porous and fragile - easily contaminate the fluids, sewage, or simply wydeptują up. Concrete - a cheap material, but it is not very resistant to mechanical damage, moisture and temperature fluctuations.

concrete must be of good quality to withstand the weight of the car. In the garage, it is recommended pouring a mixture of cement floors, since this base is strong, well withstand a greater load. Garages are often not the most heated, and this product is resistant to cold.

suitable option for the floor in the garage - ceramic tile is tough enough, if they are used according to purpose and properly aligned lined the ground. It is important that the tile was not a space, in which case the plate sooner or later, may break. In addition, glazed tiles are very slippery, especially if the floor is wet. Therefore the best choose tiles with a rough surface. For sloped surfaces are better suited to the corundum plates. The form and dimensions of the tiles can be different. Of course, with large tiles is much easier to work. Small plates require more time and diligence.

wooden cover is effective, economical, quick and easy to style. Made from durable wood species may be based not only on the ground with a layer of plastic - it can also be laid on the diagonal strips of the same type of wood. It is reliable and strong, distinguished not only by good ventilation, but also to withstand the weight of several tons, and the proper care it provides a beautiful appearance for many years. Of course, such coverage does not solve the problem of collecting water and drainage facilities can be useful even help builders. The disadvantage of hardwood floors is that after covering the floor boards in the gaps between them gets a different dirt and small details. The timber can easily percolate different odors, which are difficult to get rid of later.

Another variant cover (if the garage is located outside the city) - a gazebo poured asphalt.

Popular is to protect the garage floor with epoxy paint. It is a hermetic paint, floor isolate fat, chemicals and stains, and for some time protects it from dirt up. Since the concrete floor in the garage while walking easily rubs off, the surface of the paint will protect it from fading away, not only, but also the cracks. Painting with epoxy is cheap and does not require much effort. The advantage of this ink is that it can brighten and visually enlarge the same room. After adding sand to improve traction and floor will be less slippery. Another

type - a temporary and removable cover, such as carpets. Made up of smaller sections can be combined, thus, protect and cover the concrete floor. Smaller rugs can be simply put under the car. They protect your garage floor from oil or other liquids. These rugs are easy to clean, you can simply wash.

developed into the garage floor covering is cheaper than the combined floor mats. In addition, it is easy to adjust them to the surface. Instead of connecting sections of rugs, empty garage, expand cover the entire width of the floor and cut to desired size. It's quite easy to arrange, just as easily be retracted. Rubber cover, in which the binding material is polyurethane, is suitable for confined spaces, as well as the open squares. A plastic substrate - grille allows air circulation and impervious to water.

Mineral and waterproof topping is used only during the concreting of the new floor, and the tar epoxy and abrasion resistant layer - when renovating floors and a desire to strengthen the existing flooring. Epoxy and polyurethane industrial mixtures are resistant to abrasion and impact, gasoline, lubricants and autochemii.

floor below the groundwater level under the action of atmospheric moisture, lactic acid, chlorites and products naftopochodnych recommended insulating cover with a sprinkling of mineral substrate. Most

for the protection of mineral medium in garages, and underground garages autoserwisach uses the following types of structures (in order of decreasing efficiency and lifetime):
construction materials, which based on special fillers (quartz, granite, etc.), playing the role of a strong backbone and a polymeric base, which provides uniformity and surface binding properties. Best able to withstand a spiky tires and detergents. Such a floor can be used for decades.
floor poured - is a uniform, protective surface, formed from the compounds of polyurethane, epoxy and mixed. It is a membrane with a thickness of 1.5 mm applied to the mineral surface.
mix paints thin - thin polymer film, coated with 2-3 stages. Uniformity and good reliable performance make the floor at low and medium loads.

Surface Epoxy - is a long-lived and highly resistant to aggressive environmental conditions. Epoxy surfaces are placed in an existing concrete floor at the time of repairs, or wanting to further protect the concrete from aggressive materials. They are distinguished by good mechanical properties, abrasion resistance, good chemical resistance, give the floor an attractive appearance and can be of different shades. Before applying this type of surface, using pressurized water or sand, is suitable surface roughness, concrete cleans well, removes the disadvantages. Soil moisture must not exceed 4%. For tar epoxy, which are diluted with water, humidity, space may be 8%. This material is used for finishing of industrial floors, parking lots and other surfaces, which are under the influence of prolonged mechanical action. The biggest advantage of the surface of epoxy is that it is working with them is fast and cheap, and the quality and aesthetic appearance of these materials do not deviate from expensive ceramic and stone tiles. In the damp place water permeable epoxy surface also serves as the waterproofing. Epoxy Surface
great withstand trampling, you can choose several shades, or using special colored chips mimic the motley surface. After adding to the weight of quartz sand surface obtains a rough texture and will not be slippery.

Tar Epoxy for floor surfaces can be divided according to different aspects:
The normal and low adhesion
One-, two-component and multi-
with organic diluents, without solvents, diluted with water

Depending on the pitch, surface covered with a roller, brush or brush. Usually two layers: first layer is designed for wet pores (to reduce absorption). When the surface contains many pores, it is recommended to use low-tar epoxy adhesive.

To improve endurance, to tar epoxy can be added silica additives with fractions of 0.3 - 0.6 mm and different shades. They can be sprinkled on the freshly coated epoxy surface. After the epoxy hardened, broom sweeps poorly congruent additives, thus we give the surface roughness.

to work with epoxy pavements are not necessarily specialists are needed high quality. Once the relevant compound, epoxy paint surface or align roller blade can an ordinary painter, and after consultation with specialists - not even the owner of the garage. A temperature of 200C for 45 minutes on a layer of epoxy film is formed, and after 24 hours the surface is completely dry.

materials of mineral surface floors are produced based on cement with special additives, from which amounts will depend on the surface mechanical properties and resistance to chemicals. Mineral surfaces using a technology coverage is divided into:
dry granules are laid on the freshly poured concrete
special blend thin, placed on existing concrete floors

What type of surface mineral uses in a particular case depends on the expected operating conditions from the floor and what we want to highlight its properties: resistance to abrasion, to chemicals and water impermeability. All mineral surfaces to protect from the above mentioned factors, but the specific properties for various materials can be made more visible.

for street parking, the floors are under constant exposure to moisture or chemically active environment, using a dry mineral posypek that crystallization method provide a deep waterproofing concrete. The granules are placed on a fresh concrete using the same technology as the imposition of sprinkles, which offers resistance resistance. It may be different shades. Using hydroizolacyjnymi sprinkled with crystalline materials due to their properties, we solve several problems: They are harmless
chemical materials, which permanently hydroizolują concrete, protecting it from water infiltration or aggressive chemicals. Although upon reaching the concrete strength, the floor impervious to water, but during the operation, when the moisture soaks into the floor (where the pressure is increased the ground water, or generates microcracks, etc.) the effect of waterproofing still growing, and resulting mikroszpary close.
provides a concrete, long-lasting protection against the destructive cycle of warming / freezing and chemical attack.
increases the mechanical strength of concrete.
Special, increasing resistance to abrasion additives surface is tough enough to withstand a medium and light load on the floor.

The level depends on the level of rubbing the surface roughness. Using appropriate technology top layer of flooring is stronger and more resistant to abrasion than the lower layers of concrete. Together provides a deep waterproofing and resistance to chemicals (petroleum products, lubricants, chlorites used on roads in winter). Both mineral
topping, as well as topping with metallic additives, poured on the fresh concrete mix. Preparing the mixture, it is not recommended to use water softeners with ligno-sulphate, which is composed of more than 5% sugar. However, the dispersion can be mixed in any armed or. Additional preparation of granules before its use is not needed. Poured it on the concrete floor after 1.5-3 hours after the spill. It depends on the ambient temperature. You can sprinkle granules are manually but it is more practical to use a special mechanical dispensers, which provide an even scattering, which determines the quality of the surface. The necessary amount can be poured twice. After half of the scattering, the surface leveled grater. When the topping is moist, the second part of sleep. It is important that the granules are put before the concrete hardens. Otherwise, sprinkle a layer can separate from the concrete.

When the surface can no longer walk, the granules are grind. You can only rub your hand along the edges of the floor, or if the space is small. When you sand the granules are well, produces a matte or glossy surface.

abrasion-resistant layer on the basis of mineral materials, can be installed on an existing concrete floor. For this purpose the obsuwającej a mixture (120-160mm), which are composed of fillers to reduce wear and wedding dispersion weapons. This surface is used in the renovation of old concrete floor, or wanting to increase resistance to abrasion of the existing floor (for example, after changing operating conditions). Minimum thickness of pavement is 12 mm, resistance after 28 days of pressing - 60 MPa, resistance to frost - F100. Because of these properties, the surface can be coated on the outside and inside. Before casting a layer of low abrasiveness, the base must be prepared: We're outta pressurized water pollution and, if necessary, cover the layer polepszającą grip. Taking into account the "seams" deformation base is divided into sections. Padded with a mixture of concentrated strip vibration, the ends of which are based on the switches. Layer is leveled, then compacted a thickened surface. When the surface reaches the initial strength, finish it.

choosing the floor surface, not only pay our attention on the economy. Please consider the impact of individual factors in the future exploitation: the impact of chemical mechanisms and cargo loads, the influence of the atmosphere, the movement of pedestrians. Depending on demand, each of these options can make a surface storage, not only functional and useful, but also appealing room.

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