Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sample Letter From A Priest

new changes for the better

After a long break again go back to Blink 3D. Some interesting things happened. The new version requires a Blink 3D special handling during installation. To write a separate note.

Highlights solution I've seen is to use Google Sketchup (modeling software architecture for Google Map) This applet is written in Ruby. after ściągnięcu appropriate plugin, you can generate the. mesh (you must have an XML converter mesh)

Glenn has done an interesting example of ~ artwgg/blink3d/alsomarschurch.htm

Here's a recipe:
- download and install-free version of Sketchup from
- download and install the exporter from
- you przeniść *. rb files to the folder "plugins" folder in Sketchup
- set in the file "ogre_config.rb" file scaling Sketchup -to-OGRE at 2.54, and enter the path to porawną OgreXmlConverter
- run Sketchup create or load a model
- when jetsmy ready to export click on the "Tools" and choose an option to export Ogre
- wykorzystyjemy plimi mesh and material for Blink